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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Tinnitus in both ears and head

I had tinnitus for 6 years I learned to ignore it but a year ago my right start to ring more than I got fullness and pain when the weather was rainy, I went to er after two months of pain and they made it worse by pushing the wax inside telling me I have eardrum rupture and for 3 days the pressure in my head was unbearable then I reached an ent and cleaned my right ear , I had lots of wax . I was good for a wile my regular ringing that I could tolerate but then my right ear started to ring more (my guess is I exposed myself to loud noises at work ,chainsaws and grinding machine) and I went back to ent vacuum my ear and again was ringing back three times more always microsuction my ear and I think the vacuum himself and the noise that makes made it worse , anyway a month latter became worse always react at weather changes and I developed depression and anxiety and worse insomnia. I took some medication for sleep that made my ringing worse and now it rings in my head too. I’m still battling insomnia I’m only taking melatonin now , hardly get any sleep and the ringing it worse like electrical noise combined with hissing and pitch. Please I need help as I feel desperate and doctors don’t give a damn .
  Amelirom on 2020-01-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take Natrum salicylicum 200c, twice a day for a week and report back.

1 dose is 2 pills of 2 drops,
Tui 5 years ago
Thank you, I will
Amelirom 5 years ago

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