The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Bartholin cyst 10 years
I’ve had the same bartholin cyst for a little over ten years. I do not want to do an invasive procedure, it’s about the 3/4 the size of a golf ball - I have not have much physical discomfort from it at all, but I have emotionally struggled with it for years.I’ve never had a normal job and until the last year I lived a very stressful life, lots of trauma and hard work. I am focused on healing now. I want to feel good in my body. I’m tall and thin, I also suffer from toe fungus. Can you help me?
cm421 on 2020-01-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
kali mur 6x five tabs four times a day
dissolve 10 tabs in lukewarm water and apply three to four times on the cyst.
feedback every 4 days
dissolve 10 tabs in lukewarm water and apply three to four times on the cyst.
feedback every 4 days
♡ anuj srivastava 5 years ago
cm421 5 years ago
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