The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Uterine Fibroid Subserosal
Hi Team,I have 9cm subserosal fibroid from 2014, initially it was 3 cm . Now it gradually increased to 9cm
I got first miscarriaged at 45 days on April 15 2019 and my fibroid was 6 cm
Again i got 5 month pprom , medical termination at November 5 2019 and my fibroid was 9cm.
Please suggest good medicine to cure fibroid
Naazneen2 on 2020-01-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Conium 3c or 6c (as 3 c may be hard to find )and Calcarea fluorica 3x or 6x take both twice daily for at least 3 months.
1 dose is 2 pills or drops.
Report back anytime if you started to have any new symptoms or old stuff started to come out, meaning that you need to adjust the dosage and frequency of the remedies if this happens.
1 dose is 2 pills or drops.
Report back anytime if you started to have any new symptoms or old stuff started to come out, meaning that you need to adjust the dosage and frequency of the remedies if this happens.
♡ Tui 5 years ago
following homeo medicines used for Intramural Fibroid and nothing happened details as below :
1st report on 31-07-2019 Fibroid size 6.2x5.2cm small cystic (nabothian cyst) size 0.8x0.8cm, Endometrial lining 0.8cm
2nd report on 08-01-2020 Fibroid size was 6.0x5.2cm small cystic (nabothian cyst) size 1.0x0.9cm, Endometrial lining 1.1cm (trilaminar appearance)
following homeo medicines names:
1: Fraxinus Americana
2: Calcaria Fluorica 6x
3: Thuja Occ 200
1st report on 31-07-2019 Fibroid size 6.2x5.2cm small cystic (nabothian cyst) size 0.8x0.8cm, Endometrial lining 0.8cm
2nd report on 08-01-2020 Fibroid size was 6.0x5.2cm small cystic (nabothian cyst) size 1.0x0.9cm, Endometrial lining 1.1cm (trilaminar appearance)
following homeo medicines names:
1: Fraxinus Americana
2: Calcaria Fluorica 6x
3: Thuja Occ 200
Altafinkarachi 5 years ago
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