The ABC Homeopathy Forum
bleeding during pregnancy Page 2 of 5
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If both are in liquid form:
3drops of medicine with 3 spoons of water.
But use separate cup for 1 and 2.
3drops of medicine with 3 spoons of water.
But use separate cup for 1 and 2.
♡ freehomeoforall 5 years ago
♡ imran655 5 years ago
And Collect Sabina 10M-Pills as soon as possible.
♡ freehomeoforall 5 years ago
sabina 10m comes from indian on ebay and time is about 15 days should i still order
♡ imran655 5 years ago
We may not have the chance. It should be used immediately. Try to collect from near you. It is better to collect it within tomorrow.
In the mean time continue Ipecac and China periodically.
In the mean time continue Ipecac and China periodically.
♡ freehomeoforall 5 years ago
i order from homeopathic overnight and will take 2 to 3 business days but since its friday today may be by wednesday
♡ imran655 5 years ago
You can get Sabina 1m from homeopathy Overnight and have tomorrow.
You can click the store icon top of this site and order 10m.
You will get in a week. Or call one of the suppliers
On the store icon and ask if you can order direct
And pay for overnight shipping.
If you have any local homeopaths, you could also
Call them and see if they will sell it to you out of their own stock.
Ordering from India from USA is not going to work-
Things get held up in customs besides long shipping times.
You can click the store icon top of this site and order 10m.
You will get in a week. Or call one of the suppliers
On the store icon and ask if you can order direct
And pay for overnight shipping.
If you have any local homeopaths, you could also
Call them and see if they will sell it to you out of their own stock.
Ordering from India from USA is not going to work-
Things get held up in customs besides long shipping times.
♡ simone717 5 years ago
If the bleeding is more than before, stop now and let it to adjust of its own.
If you have Arnica 30, just take a single dose.
6pills or 2drops of Arnica 30 with 3 spoons water.
Let me know.
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2020-02-29 04:41:01]
If you have Arnica 30, just take a single dose.
6pills or 2drops of Arnica 30 with 3 spoons water.
Let me know.
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2020-02-29 04:41:01]
♡ freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Is this an Arnica bleeding?
vishnu4 5 years ago
will try as soon she wake up
i need also help my self i had cold few days ago and after now in the morning i cough green yellow mucus try plustila and Kali self not getting better yet its been over 3 days now
i need also help my self i had cold few days ago and after now in the morning i cough green yellow mucus try plustila and Kali self not getting better yet its been over 3 days now
♡ imran655 5 years ago
If the mucus looks green or green with yellow mixed, take few dose of Merc Sol 30.
6pills 3 times a day.
6pills 3 times a day.
♡ freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Okay. Take few doses of Merc Sol 30
♡ freehomeoforall 5 years ago
a big lump came out this after noon i afraid she has lost the baby ,she went to emergency will update you as soon i here from the hospital.
♡ imran655 5 years ago
♡ freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Actually it is not easy to recover from this situation when time is passed. When first few drops of blood is noticed, treatment should be taken immediately. It is a great upsose for me that, I couldn't use the main remedy for unavailability.
Whatever, we should keep patience and abide by the rule of nature.
Please update the test result after returning from Hospital.
Whatever, we should keep patience and abide by the rule of nature.
Please update the test result after returning from Hospital.
♡ freehomeoforall 5 years ago
just got call from wife and as expected she is no longer pregnet .
This is not just happen yesterday she had this problem for about over a week and she went to a dr and emergenct few time and they did not do any thing they could have given her hormon shot which could stop the bleeding but i dont know why they did not do any thing .I am just hoping my wife is ok i have small children i also have some health issue will talk to you in few day.again thank you very much for your time and concern and by the way where do you live?And i dont know how can you answer all the time do you sleep .Good bless you
thank you
This is not just happen yesterday she had this problem for about over a week and she went to a dr and emergenct few time and they did not do any thing they could have given her hormon shot which could stop the bleeding but i dont know why they did not do any thing .I am just hoping my wife is ok i have small children i also have some health issue will talk to you in few day.again thank you very much for your time and concern and by the way where do you live?And i dont know how can you answer all the time do you sleep .Good bless you
thank you
♡ imran655 5 years ago
♡ imran655 5 years ago
I am online for last 2 nights to have a good news. It doesn't matter. But not had the expected.
But sure that, it could be dangerous for your wife. Most probably miscarriage was happened more before. And it was stuck inside. Thanks to God that, she saved your wife from complications.
But sure that, it could be dangerous for your wife. Most probably miscarriage was happened more before. And it was stuck inside. Thanks to God that, she saved your wife from complications.
♡ freehomeoforall 5 years ago
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