The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Came across this interesting article of how homeopathy was successfully used during 1918 Spanish flu pandemic!
influenza-1918-homeopathy-to-the-rescue/ " rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">!
gudiyachettu on 2020-04-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Very interesting article! It seems like Gelsemium and Bryonia worked back then, but what's their success rate now during COVID-19, I wonder? Is there any data yet?
GYTRASH 4 years ago
gudiyachettu 4 years ago
GYTRASH and gudiyachettu
Still they are leading remedies. Bryonia and Ars alb have helped the most number of patients from the statistical data coming in from Canadian Academy of Homeopathy---other contenders being Gelsemium and Eupatorium. They maintain a database getting inputs from all over the world.
Interesting figures:
People who took Bryonia for the first stage or as a prophylaxis rarely lost their lives, but people who took camphor or Amm. carb did lose their lives.
Another promising remedy that covers milder as well as critical symptoms is an unknown remedy: Lobelia Purpurascens.
Mortality rate with proper homeopathy is around 0.1%, homeopathic therapeutics is 3% and allopathics is around 13% with anti biotics and around 24% without anti biotics.
Not only 1918, homeopathy has played a significant role in every epidemic since its inception.
[Edited by maheeru on 2020-04-20 18:56:12]
Still they are leading remedies. Bryonia and Ars alb have helped the most number of patients from the statistical data coming in from Canadian Academy of Homeopathy---other contenders being Gelsemium and Eupatorium. They maintain a database getting inputs from all over the world.
Interesting figures:
People who took Bryonia for the first stage or as a prophylaxis rarely lost their lives, but people who took camphor or Amm. carb did lose their lives.
Another promising remedy that covers milder as well as critical symptoms is an unknown remedy: Lobelia Purpurascens.
Mortality rate with proper homeopathy is around 0.1%, homeopathic therapeutics is 3% and allopathics is around 13% with anti biotics and around 24% without anti biotics.
Not only 1918, homeopathy has played a significant role in every epidemic since its inception.
[Edited by maheeru on 2020-04-20 18:56:12]
♡ maheeru 4 years ago
gudiyachettu 4 years ago
This forum considers all participant members as non medical professionals as default. So let's omit the Dr. title in interactions.
Yes Gudiachettu:
There is not a single prophylactic genus epidemicus that has been discovered.
So best preventatives based on available information are five:
Bryonia for people who by nature are thirsty.
Gelsemium for people who by nature are thirstless.
Ars alb for people who by nature are anxious/nervous/restless.
Other two are:
Lobelia purpurascens:
This is the top remedy emerging in repertorisation for all or most of the symptoms that have been collected from all over the world for this contagious disease.
Beryllium metallicum:
A great remedy for lung injury like fibrosis. Also a remedy for disproportionate bronchitis corona's context---cytokine storm.
Apart from prophylactic remedies other general polycrests or treatment remedies would include Sulph, Phosphorus, Lachesis, Ammonium Carb, Antimonium Ars, Aspidosperma, Carbo veg, Tuberculinum etc.
[Edited by maheeru on 2020-04-20 20:42:19]
Yes Gudiachettu:
There is not a single prophylactic genus epidemicus that has been discovered.
So best preventatives based on available information are five:
Bryonia for people who by nature are thirsty.
Gelsemium for people who by nature are thirstless.
Ars alb for people who by nature are anxious/nervous/restless.
Other two are:
Lobelia purpurascens:
This is the top remedy emerging in repertorisation for all or most of the symptoms that have been collected from all over the world for this contagious disease.
Beryllium metallicum:
A great remedy for lung injury like fibrosis. Also a remedy for disproportionate bronchitis corona's context---cytokine storm.
Apart from prophylactic remedies other general polycrests or treatment remedies would include Sulph, Phosphorus, Lachesis, Ammonium Carb, Antimonium Ars, Aspidosperma, Carbo veg, Tuberculinum etc.
[Edited by maheeru on 2020-04-20 20:42:19]
♡ maheeru 4 years ago
Is the remedy lobelia purpurascens same as lobelia inflata? Was looking at abc store and cannot see " purpurascen" though other variations of lobelia are there
[Edited by gudiyachettu on 2020-04-21 18:40:54]
[Edited by gudiyachettu on 2020-04-21 18:40:54]
gudiyachettu 4 years ago
Welcome! Nope purpura is not the same as inflata. Inflata is a commonly available variant and purpura is a rare variant.
Gudiachettu, BTW we have already interacted in 2010 during your pregnancy period :)
Gudiachettu, BTW we have already interacted in 2010 during your pregnancy period :)
♡ maheeru 4 years ago
Oh yes, you have been of great help then and now! Both my deliveries went well without any problem with the help of homeopathy. I appreciate all your selfless efforts in this forum and to the world. We are really lucky to have physicians like you!
Take care and stay safe sir
Take care and stay safe sir
gudiyachettu 4 years ago
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