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Blood clotting killing corona virus patients

Just read this article in the “Washington Post”

Please google this- They are discovering
In autopsies that a huge number of patients
Lungs are filled with tiny blood clots-
Other body parts too.

Even giving patients blood thinners does not
Take care of this- drs do not understand
The WHY of this.

The blood clotting seems to be a major part
Of this virus , and Since they are just discovering
This now-it does not seem to be in the
Symptom set that homeopaths have been
Using for remedies yet. But drs think this is
Why people seem to be semi- ok and then
Suddenly crashing and dying.

  simone717 on 2020-04-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
need more articles pls give link
drjitesh 4 years ago
A mysterious blood-clotting complication is killing coronavirus patients (Washington post)

In the beginning of the article, it look like all the patients with covid19 are suddenly developing the blood problem and dropping dead but it doesn't mention Who those patients are.

Then, it goes; ”Autopsies have shown some people’s lungs fill with hundreds of microclots. Errant blood clots of a larger size can break off and travel to the brain or heart, causing a stroke or heart attack.”

Still they don't say who those patients are.

Then it gives you a story like this one;
”On Saturday, Broadway actor Nick Cordero, 41, had his right leg amputated after being infected with the novel coronavirus and suffering from clots that blocked blood from getting to his toes.”

Here again, it doesn't say if this person has any existing chronic disease or if he is on any medications.

Then finally, the article disclose who really having the blood problem;
Earlier this month, when New York state released data about the top chronic health problems of ”those who died of covid-19, asthma was not among them. Instead, they were almost all cardiovascular conditions.

So those who are dying seem to had already existing cardiovascular diseases and they were probably taking many medications, including statins which are known to cause lung disease. ( there are over 300 medication that are known to cause lung problems, such as interstitial lung disease)

Also, no one seems to know how the blood problem is related (if it really elated) with covid 19 and what the article is telling is nothing based on scientific evidence..

I do not believe any more what the media telling us to believe and I'm certain that homeopathy can help for a case of blood clotting problem with covid by using snake remedies and probably many other possible remedies.
Tui 4 years ago
Tui 4 years ago
Google- Blood clots and Covid-19

More articles on this today- Mt Sinai NY hospital
Drs reporting on CNN they are having 30 and 40
Year old healthy people with strokes/ brain clots
From the virus, etc .

Another article talks about blood thickening from the virus.
This is just being discovered because some of these
People are not presenting the shortness of breath
Symptoms etc- they are going to hospital for
Stroke symptoms. Others are being released
From hospital and then become unwell and found
They have clots and need treatment ASAP.

Drs in Spain are doing a lot of full anticoagulant
Protocols - they think the respiratory inflammation
Is causing the blood clots-getting diagnosed with
A scan is difficult with the amount of patients
In hot spots- as the machine needs total cleaning.

This is a real thing that drs are trying to handle
A protocol for it at the very start now.
[Edited by simone717 on 2020-04-23 13:56:24]
simone717 4 years ago
Some of the already suggested prophylactic medicines cover this general tendency to clot. Notable is Ars. alb. And like Tui mentions the snake group remedies are prominent in dealing with this problem. This would also explain why a co-morbidity like diabetes carries more risk.
maheeru 4 years ago
repertorisation BY
Roger van Zandvoort
Member of Complete Repertory, Clinical Cases since 19 May 2012
Based on the new symptoms.


Heart & circulation; blood vessels; capillaries

Blood; clots, clotted

Blood; septicemia, blood poisoning, pyemia

Fever, heat; septic fevers

Fever, heat; zymotic fevers
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
There is an article today on WebMD about
The virus and blood clots. It says that some
Drs now think this is a disease of the endolithium-
The lining of blood vessels. “Endolithiitis”

They have been treating the clots with blood thinners, etc
And this does not work too well, as they need
To target the cause(the endolithium). Drs not
Sure if the endolithium is affected by the cytokines
“Storm”( meaning the body over reaction of
Immune system) . Basically still a mystery.
simone717 4 years ago
News report on first person who died of the virus
In USA - woman in her fifties, died at home,
Working at her computer( thought she had the flu)

Autopsy shows the virus was in her trachea,lungs,
Heart. Cause of death was immune response
Of inflammation which damaged her heart muscle.
She had no underlying conditions except for
A bit overweight, her heart was normal.
simone717 4 years ago
MEMBERS CAN FOLLOW ROGER ON FACE BOOK-Complete Repertory, Clinical Cases

Roger van Zandvoort
Member of Complete Repertory, Clinical Cases since 19 May 2012 has carried out two repertorisation of cytokine storm using 24 rubrics covering all the symptoms referred by SIMONE in the above post.

PHOSPHOROUS,LACHESIS,ARSENIC,AND BELLADONA are the top 4 remedies as per symptoms.

In the second repertorisation,CROTALUS,TERRULIUM,NAJA NAJA and GLONOINE are the top 4 remedies.

I tried to load the repertorisation but could not.

cytokine storm listen (SY-toh-kine …)
A severe immune reaction in which the body releases too many cytokines into the blood too quickly. Cytokines play an important role in normal immune responses, but having a large amount of them released in the body all at once can be harmful. A cytokine storm can occur as a result of an infection, autoimmune condition, or other disease. It may also occur after treatment with some types of immunotherapy. Signs and symptoms include high fever, inflammation (redness and swelling), and severe fatigue and nausea. Sometimes, a cytokine storm may be severe or life threatening and lead to multiple organ failure. Also called hypercytokinemia.
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Hi Anuj- Thank you for the information on this and your
Other posts by homeopaths.
simone717 4 years ago
Thanks Simone for the appreciation.

I wished the moderator could have pinned this post and the posts on COPID 19 for ease of accessibility and perusal of the members.
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
That was very informative. Thanx for sharing.

I would like to mention quebracho q in this regard which is called the digitalis for lungs. It improves oxidation of the blood and removes obstruction to oxidations. It also stimulates the respiratory system and increase the amount of oxygen in the blood.
attiq 4 years ago
Simone i would appreciate your comments regarding my opinion.
attiq 4 years ago
Hi Attiq,

That remedy sounds very interesting.

One of the problems here is that the cytokine
Storm can suddenly happen and people think
They are mildly ill and are not aware till too late
Or in serious trouble( heart attack or stroke)

I did read about 2 ER Drs in Washington state,
Who had been caring for huge amounts of Covid patients.
They both got covid and medical staff did not
Think they would make it.

The medical staff somehow knew one dr was
In the cytokine storm cycle, the other dr was not.
They gave the cytokine dr an arthritis drug to
Calm immune system. Then both drs were
Hooked up to an ECMO machine that oxygenates
The blood and circulates it back to the body.
This treatment worked.

So it seems if the body is in the Cytokine storm
The immune system has to be calmed down
Besides oxygenating blood.

Here in the USA, people are being warned
To not sign off on getting on a ventilator-
Mostly because there are not anywhere near
Enough medical people trained to operate
The ventilator correctly and incorrect usage
Is harming the patient-patients do better with
CPAP machines because they need oxygen.
But the CPAP machines release air, so they
Are not being used.
simone717 4 years ago

Gokekumo GokekumoComplete Repertory, Clinical Cases

Respiration; deep; desires to breathe
Blood; congestion of blood; internal
Extremities; bluish; fingers; tips
Extremities; bluish; fingers; tips; cold, from
Extremities; coldness, chilliness; fingers; tips
Extremities; coldness, chilliness; icy
Extremities; coldness, chilliness; icy; fingers; fingers, tips
Extremities; obstructed, as if a blood vessel in thigh is

What Is ‘Covid Toe’? Maybe a Strange Sign of Coronavirus Infection

By Roni Caryn Rabin
May 1, 2020

Before the coronavirus outbreak, Dr. Lindy Fox, a dermatologist in San Francisco, used to see four or five patients a year with chilblains — painful red or purple lesions that typically emerge on fingers or toes in the winter.

Over the past few weeks, she has seen dozens.

“All of a sudden, we are inundated with toes,” said Dr. Fox, who practices at the University of California, San Francisco. “I’ve got clinics filled with people coming in with new toe lesions. And it’s not people who had chilblains before — they’ve never had anything like this.”

It’s also not the time of year for chilblains, which are caused by inflammation in small blood vessels in reaction to cold or damp conditions. “Usually, we see it in the dead of winter,” Dr. Fox said

Dr. Fox is not the only one deluged with cases. In Boston, Dr. Esther Freeman, director of global health dermatology at the Massachusetts General Hospital, said her telemedicine clinic is also “completely full of toes. I had to add extra clinical sessions, just to take care of toe consults. People are very concerned.”

The lesions are emerging as yet another telltale symptom of infection with the new coronavirus. The most prominent signs are a dry cough and shortness of breath, but the virus has been linked to a string of unusual and diverse effects, like mental confusion and a diminished sense of smell.

Federal health officials do not include toe lesions in the list of coronavirus symptoms, but some dermatologists are pushing for a change, saying so-called Covid toe should be sufficient grounds for testing. (Covid-19 is the name of the illness caused by the coronavirus.)

Several medical papers from Spain, Belgium and Italy described a surge in complaints about painful lesions on patients’ toes, Achilles' heels and soles of the feet; whether the patients were infected was not always clear, because they were otherwise healthy and testing was limited.

Most cases have been reported in children, teens and young adults, and some experts say they may reflect a healthy immune response to the virus.

“The most important message to the public is not to panic — most of the patients we are seeing with these lesions are doing extremely well,” Dr. Freeman said.

“They’re having what we call a benign clinical course. They’re staying home, they’re getting better, the toe lesions are going away.”

Scientists are just beginning to study the phenomenon, but so far chilblain-like lesions appear to signal, curiously enough, a mild or even asymptomatic infection. They may also develop several weeks after the acute phase of an infection is over.

Patients who develop swollen toes and red and purple lesions should consult their primary care doctor or a dermatologist to rule out other possible causes. But, experts said, they should not run to the emergency room, where they risk being exposed to the coronavirus or exposing others if they are infected.

“The good news is that the chilblain-like lesions usually mean you’re going to be fine,” Dr. Fox said. “Usually it’s a good sign your body has seen Covid and is making a good immune reaction to it.”

Patients who get the painful lesions are often alarmed. They appear most frequently on the toes, often affecting several toes on one or both feet, and the sores can be extremely painful, causing a burning or itching sensation.

At first, the toes look swollen and take on a reddish tint; sometimes a part of the toe is swollen, and individual lesions or bumps can be seen. Over time, the lesions become purple in color.

Hannah Spitzer, 20, a sophomore at Lafayette College who is finishing the academic year remotely at her home in Westchester County, has lesions on all 10 of her toes, so uncomfortable — painful during the day, and itchy at night — that she can’t put anything on her feet, not even socks.
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Coronavirus May Be a Blood Vessel Disease, Which Explains Everything

Many of the infection’s bizarre symptoms have one thing in common


Dana G Smith
Senior Writer for Elemental Medium covering health, science, and the science of wellness

InApril, blood clots emerged as one of the many mysterious symptoms attributed to Covid-19, a disease that had initially been thought to largely affect the lungs in the form of pneumonia. Quickly after came reports of young people dying due to coronavirus-related strokes. Next it was Covid toes — painful red or purple digits.

What do all of these symptoms have in common? An impairment in blood circulation. Add in the fact that 40% of deaths from Covid-19 are related to cardiovascular complications, and the disease starts to look like a vascular infection instead of a purely respiratory one.

Months into the pandemic, there is now a growing body of evidence to support the theory that the novel coronavirus can infect blood vessels, which could explain not only the high prevalence of blood clots, strokes, and heart attacks, but also provide an answer for the diverse set of head-to-toe symptoms that have emerged.

“All these Covid-associated complications were a mystery. We see blood clotting, we see kidney damage, we see inflammation of the heart, we see stroke, we see encephalitis [swelling of the brain],” says William Li, MD, president of the Angiogenesis Foundation. “A whole myriad of seemingly unconnected phenomena that you do not normally see with SARS or H1N1 or, frankly, most infectious diseases.”

“If you start to put all of the data together that’s emerging, it turns out that this virus is probably a vasculotropic virus, meaning that it affects the [blood vessels],” says Mandeep Mehra, MD, medical director of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Heart and Vascular Center.

In a paper published in April in the scientific journal The Lancet, Mehra and a team of scientists discovered that the SARS-CoV-2 virus can infect the endothelial cells that line the inside of blood vessels. Endothelial cells protect the cardiovascular system, and they release proteins that influence everything from blood clotting to the immune response. In the paper, the scientists showed damage to endothelial cells in the lungs, heart, kidneys, liver, and intestines in people with Covid-19.

“The concept that’s emerging is that this is not a respiratory illness alone, this is a respiratory illness to start with, but it is actually a vascular illness that kills people through its involvement of the vasculature,” says Mehra.

A respiratory virus infecting blood cells and circulating through the body is virtually unheard of.

A one-of-a-kind respiratory virus

SARS-CoV-2 is thought to enter the body through ACE2 receptors present on the surface of cells that line the respiratory tract in the nose and throat. Once in the lungs, the virus appears to move from the alveoli, the air sacs in the lung, into the blood vessels, which are also rich in ACE2 receptors.

“[The virus] enters the lung, it destroys the lung tissue, and people start coughing. The destruction of the lung tissue breaks open some blood vessels,” Mehra explains. “Then it starts to infect endothelial cell after endothelial cell, creates a local immune response, and inflames the endothelium.”
A respiratory virus infecting blood cells and circulating through the body is virtually unheard of. Influenza viruses like H1N1 are not known to do this, and the original SARS virus, a sister coronavirus to the current infection, did not spread past the lung. Other types of viruses, such as Ebola or Dengue, can damage endothelial cells, but they are very different from viruses that typically infect the lungs.

Benhur Lee, MD, a professor of microbiology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, says the difference between SARS and SARS-CoV-2 likely stems from an extra protein each of the viruses requires to activate and spread. Although both viruses dock onto cells through ACE2 receptors, another protein is needed to crack open the virus so its genetic material can get into the infected cell. The additional protein the original SARS virus requires is only present in lung tissue, but the protein for SARS-CoV-2 to activate is present in all cells, especially endothelial cells.

“In SARS1, the protein that’s required to cleave it is likely present only in the lung environment, so that’s where it can replicate. To my knowledge, it doesn’t really go systemic,” Lee says. “[SARS-CoV-2] is cleaved by a protein called furin, and that’s a big danger because furin is present in all our cells, it’s ubiquitous.”

Endothelial damage could explain the virus’ weird symptoms
An infection of the blood vessels would explain many of the weird tendencies of the novel coronavirus, like the high rates of blood clots. Endothelial cells help regulate clot formation by sending out proteins that turn the coagulation system on or off. The cells also help ensure that blood flows smoothly and doesn’t get caught on any rough edges on the blood vessel walls.

“The endothelial cell layer is in part responsible for [clot] regulation, it inhibits clot formation through a variety of ways,” says Sanjum Sethi, MD, MPH, an interventional cardiologist at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. “If that’s disrupted, you could see why that may potentially promote clot formation.”

Endothelial damage might account for the high rates of cardiovascular damage and seemingly spontaneous heart attacks in people with Covid-19, too. Damage to endothelial cells causes inflammation in the blood vessels, and that can cause any plaque that’s accumulated to rupture, causing a heart attack. This means anyone who has plaque in their blood vessels that might normally have remained stable or been controlled with medication is suddenly at a much higher risk for a heart attack.

“Inflammation and endothelial dysfunction promote plaque rupture,” Sethi says. “Endothelial dysfunction is linked towards worse heart outcomes, in particular myocardial infarction or heart attack.”

Blood vessel damage could also explain why people with pre-existing conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and heart disease are at a higher risk for severe complications from a virus that’s supposed to just infect the lungs. All of those diseases cause endothelial cell dysfunction, and the additional damage and inflammation in the blood vessels caused by the infection could push them over the edge and cause serious problems.

The theory could even solve the mystery of why ventilation often isn’t enough to help many Covid-19 patients breathe better. Moving air into the lungs, which ventilators help with, is only one part of the equation. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood is just as important to provide the rest of the body with oxygen, and that process relies on functioning blood vessels in the lungs.

“If you have blood clots within the blood vessels that are required for complete oxygen exchange, even if you’re moving air in and out of the airways, [if] the circulation is blocked, the full benefits of mechanical ventilatory support are somewhat thwarted,” says Li.

A new paper published last week in the New England Journal of Medicine, on which Li is a co-author, found widespread evidence of blood clots and infection in the endothelial cells in the lungs of people who died from Covid-19. This was in stark contrast to people who died from H1N1, who had nine times fewer blood clots in the lungs. Even the structure of the blood vessels was different in the Covid-19 lungs, with many more new branches that likely formed after the original blood vessels were damaged.

“We saw blood clots everywhere,” Li says. “We were observing virus particles filling up the endothelial cell like filling up a gumball machine. The endothelial cell swells and the cell membrane starts to break down, and now you have a layer of injured endothelium.”

Finally, infection of the blood vessels may be how the virus travels through the body and infects other organs — something that’s atypical of respiratory infections.

“Endothelial cells connect the entire circulation [system], 60,000 miles worth of blood vessels throughout our body,” says Li. “Is this one way that Covid-19 can impact the brain, the heart, the Covid toe? Does SARS-CoV-2 traffic itself through the endothelial cells or get into the bloodstream this way? We don’t know the answer to that.”

In another paper that looked at nearly 9,000 people with Covid-19, Mehra showed that the use of statins and ACE inhibitors were linked to higher rates of survival.

If Covid-19 is a vascular disease, the best antiviral therapy might not be antiviral therapy

An alternative theory is that the blood clotting and symptoms in other organs are caused by inflammation in the body due to an over-reactive immune response — the so-called cytokine storm. This inflammatory reaction can occur in other respiratory illnesses and severe cases of pneumonia, which is why the initial reports of blood clots, heart complications, and neurological symptoms didn’t sound the alarm bells. However, the magnitude of the problems seen with Covid-19 appear to go beyond the inflammation experienced in other respiratory infections.

“There is some increased propensity, we think, of clotting happening with these [other] viruses. I think inflammation in general promotes that,” Sethi says. “Is this over and above or unique for SARS-CoV-2, or is that just because [the infection] is just that much more severe? I think those are all really good questions that unfortunately we don’t have the answer to yet.”

Anecdotally, Sethi says the number of requests he received as the director of the pulmonary embolism response team, which deals with blood clots in the lungs, in April 2020 was two to three times the number in April 2019. The question he’s now trying to answer is whether that’s because there were simply more patients at the hospital during that month, the peak of the pandemic, or if Covid-19 patients really do have a higher risk for blood clots.

“I suspect from what we see and what our preliminary data show is that this virus has an additional risk factor for blood clots, but I can’t prove that yet,” Sethi says.

The good news is that if Covid-19 is a vascular disease, there are existing drugs that can help protect against endothelial cell damage. In another New England Journal of Medicine paper that looked at nearly 9,000 people with Covid-19, Mehra showed that the use of statins and ACE inhibitors were linked to higher rates of survival. Statins reduce the risk of heart attacks not only by lowering cholesterol or preventing plaque, they also stabilize existing plaque, meaning they’re less likely to rupture if someone is on the drugs.

“It turns out that both statins and ACE inhibitors are extremely protective on vascular dysfunction,” Mehra says. “Most of their benefit in the continuum of cardiovascular illness — be it high blood pressure, be it stroke, be it heart attack, be it arrhythmia, be it heart failure — in any situation the mechanism by which they protect the cardiovascular system starts with their ability to stabilize the endothelial cells.”

Mehra continues, “What we’re saying is that maybe the best antiviral therapy is not actually an antiviral therapy. The best therapy might actually be a drug that stabilizes the vascular endothelial. We’re building a drastically different concept.”
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Thanks for posting the above article.

1. The problem is people go to hospital , get
Oxygen, go home with oxygen but many are
Taking months to get better- they need to get
Scanned for the blood clots-
2. If you are in emergency situation use
Whatever you can- statins, blood thinners etc.
3. I have been following specialized biologists
Who are dissecting what the virus is made of.
They are finding that it has the corona virus
Set up from a specific bat( which the internationally famous female Chinese dr was collecting these bat virus samples
From caves 1000 miles away from wuhan lab.)

Even tho the bat corona virus have spike proteins, what
Makes the virus attach like a key into a lock-
Into human Ace receptors- is a genetically
Mutated pangolin- reported to have been captured
By the Chinese outside their borders.

This virus was engineered by humans
And was probably some bio security lapse
At the lab- infecting a lab person.

I have been following the scientists- who
Are uncovering this- and Yesterday! The chief Chinese
Epidemiologist announced the virus did
NOT come from the wet market. But did not
Say where it came from - wait for more lies.

This is all part of bio warfare research done
Under the guise of wanting to get ahead
Of virus diseases that may happen in nature.
[Edited by simone717 on 2020-05-31 19:04:17]
simone717 3 years ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.