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Frequent urination in Infant Page 3 of 13
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♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Tuberculinum 200 is given today morning. At night she is continuously itching the vagina . The area is turned reddish. Itching is more after passing urine.Her bitting tendency is also increased.Is it due to diaper, worm or urine infection. You are the best judge. Kindly guide me further.
lovely 4 years ago
Could be diaper rashes.Use only cotton nappies.
Avoid using them for a week or so.
Wait and watch,if the itching does not improve by next two days give Sulphur 30 three times a day from the third day.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2020-10-12 03:56:05]
Avoid using them for a week or so.
Wait and watch,if the itching does not improve by next two days give Sulphur 30 three times a day from the third day.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2020-10-12 03:56:05]
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
using Cotton diaper. After Tuberculinum 200 used Sulphur 30 thrice daily for two days. Itching inside vagina is not reduced. No reddish skin.Sometimes cries while itching. Starts crying even without reason. Difficult to satisfy. Anger increased. Reluctant to take solid food.
It seems she remains irritated all the time.
It seems she remains irritated all the time.
lovely 4 years ago
Silicea 6x three tabs three times a day .Feedback every 2 days.Stop other remedies.
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Feed back
Using Silicea 6X. Itching is reduced but not stopped. No improvement in other symptoms viz Crying, anger, irritation and not taking solid food.
Using Silicea 6X. Itching is reduced but not stopped. No improvement in other symptoms viz Crying, anger, irritation and not taking solid food.
lovely 4 years ago
Continue Silicea for four more days.
When does she cry?
Does she likes to be carried in arms and then she is quite?
When does she cry?
Does she likes to be carried in arms and then she is quite?
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
She cries if her demand is not fulfilled and also during feeding.
Yes, She likes to be carried in arms and remains quite.But does not want to get down.
Yes, She likes to be carried in arms and remains quite.But does not want to get down.
lovely 4 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Cina 30 is being used since last three days. No improvement is observed in any of the mentioned symptoms. Additionally , she is now itching the anus also.
lovely 4 years ago
Continue for a week and give a feed back.Stop all salts and start Nat Phos 6x in addition three times a day.Apply pure coconut oil in the itchy region.
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Cina 30 and Nat phos 6x are in use. I am giving her cow ( tonned) milk 1:3 since last three weeks.Her all symptoms are actually appeared after using cows milk.Do you think her present problem ie itching ,
declining solid food , hard constipation etc are due to her milk intake.
declining solid food , hard constipation etc are due to her milk intake.
lovely 4 years ago
Cannot be ruled out.Try stopping the milk and see.Itching can also be due to threadworms/pinworms for which I have prescribed.Lets wait and watch.In the mean time stop milk and see.
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Using Cina 30. Itching, anger, crying, reluctant to take food etc are still there. Stool is sometimes hard and sometime loose with foul smell. Using NAN pro formula powder inplace of cow milk. She likes only milk and fond of sweet.Appetite is very less. Shall i continue Cina 30 only.
lovely 4 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Used Tuberculinum 200 one dose.It seems her symptoms are improving. There is no medicines at present.
Used Tuberculinum 200 one dose.It seems her symptoms are improving. There is no medicines at present.
lovely 4 years ago
I am waiting for your reply. Symptoms viz itching, appetite are improved. But unnecessary crying still there. Wants to lie down on arms and does not want to get down. Last 3-4 days suffering from gas trouble.
lovely 4 years ago
Appetite of my daughter is not yet improved.As narrated earlier she is not interested to take any food except milk
and NAN Pro formula powder. Whatever the food item we give her, she refuses it. She takes it in her hand and then throw it away. Urine still offensive smell. Stool hard ball type.Interest to drink water is very less. Habit of crying abnormally.Biting tendency is also not improved. Otherwise, she is very active. In the meantime I have given Calc phos 6x,Cina 30 , Chamomilla 30. kindly suggest remedy to improve her appetite and other problem.
and NAN Pro formula powder. Whatever the food item we give her, she refuses it. She takes it in her hand and then throw it away. Urine still offensive smell. Stool hard ball type.Interest to drink water is very less. Habit of crying abnormally.Biting tendency is also not improved. Otherwise, she is very active. In the meantime I have given Calc phos 6x,Cina 30 , Chamomilla 30. kindly suggest remedy to improve her appetite and other problem.
lovely 3 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Calc carb 30, Sil 6x,Natmur 6x are being used since last seven days. Appetite and other symptoms are not improved yet. Shall I continue it.
lovely 3 years ago
Urine odor?
No improvement in the above symptoms also.
Please describe her nature.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2021-03-26 13:01:47]
Urine odor?
No improvement in the above symptoms also.
Please describe her nature.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2021-03-26 13:01:47]
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
* Constipation is Improved. semisolid brownish stool.
* urinate frequently with offensive smell.
* Nature :
- Stubborn , irritated, very much sound sensitive, afraid of loud sound, biting tendency, habit of throwing away everything, fond of bathing, Active , Cry loudly against any resistance.
* Present scute symptoms
- Head remains hot, no thirst of water, no appetite , prefer feeding milk bottle only, excessive mouth saliva in sleep.
* urinate frequently with offensive smell.
* Nature :
- Stubborn , irritated, very much sound sensitive, afraid of loud sound, biting tendency, habit of throwing away everything, fond of bathing, Active , Cry loudly against any resistance.
* Present scute symptoms
- Head remains hot, no thirst of water, no appetite , prefer feeding milk bottle only, excessive mouth saliva in sleep.
lovely 3 years ago
My daughter is using Calcaria carb 30 alongwith the cell salts. Her appetite is better now. Stool normal but hard. But her stubborn nature and agitated mind are not improved. Seems to be hyperactive.Head remains hot and sweats a lot.
New symptom : Now a days she Vomits in a car journey whenever goes outside.
New symptom : Now a days she Vomits in a car journey whenever goes outside.
lovely 3 years ago
What about the urine odor,and frequency?
Give her Cocculus 30 for a week three times a day and revert.
Stop CC,rest no change.
Give her Cocculus 30 for a week three times a day and revert.
Stop CC,rest no change.
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
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