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Anal Fistula remedy required Page 2 of 3

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For heell:

Make the remedies like as below and give him:

1. Nux Vom 30
Take a new 250ml bottle.
Take 200ml distilled water in the bottle.
Give 5drops of Nux Vom 30 in it.
Shake the bottle 12 times and preserve it in a cool place.
In every evening, shake the bottle 4 times and give him only 5ml/1sip from it (Empty Stomach)

2. Sulphur 30
Take a new 250ml bottle.
Take 200ml distilled water in the bottle.
Give 5drops of Sulphur 30 in it.
Shake the bottle 12 times and preserve it in a cool place.
In every morning, shake the bottle 4 times and give him only 5ml/1sip from it (Empty Stomach)
freehomeoforall 4 years ago
Couple of questions

1. Nux Vomica 30c liquid dilution shows it takes atleast 2-3 weeks to ship. But 12X potency seems to ship faster OR Is it ok to take pellets ? Pls advice.

2. Bottle to mix medication needs to be glass or plastic bottle is ok ? I am not familiar with using liquid dilutions.

3. How long should I give these remedies?

4. Should I stop hepar sulph 200ck and sileca 6x which I am currently giving him?

Thanks you.
heell 4 years ago
Don't take dilution. Take original medicine. And make the dilution according to my suggestion.
Take in 30 potency.
You may continue Silicea 6x cell salt no problem. Add Calcarea Fluor 6x cell salt.
4tabkets of both, 3times a day. Order Nux Vom 30 and Sulphur 30.
freehomeoforall 4 years ago
Ordered Nux Vom 30 and Sulphur 30 liquid remedies.

What should be the gap between Silicea 6X and Calcarea Flour 6x?

Thank you.
heell 4 years ago
Can take same time.
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2020-11-18 23:15:10]
freehomeoforall 4 years ago
Hello !

We are continuing with Silicea 6x and Calcarea Flour 6x , 3 times a day last 3 weeks . Fistula is in same condition like before , i.e leaking few drops of puss every few days.
Yesterday we started on Nux Vomica and Sulphur as suggested earlier. How long should we continue ?
[Edited by heell on 2020-12-14 15:35:01]
heell 4 years ago
another update. We saw a very small pimple right above fistula opening few days back , thought it may disappear on its own. But today saw puss coming out of it. Not sure if this is another fistula track or just pimple being popped. Hoping its not new fistula..
[Edited by heell on 2020-12-18 21:51:02]
heell 4 years ago
Can you please answer how long to continue the remedies. Thanks in advance for your response.
heell 4 years ago
Stop all now.
Continue Bio Calcarea Sulph 6x
4tablets 3times a day.
freehomeoforall 4 years ago
I have calcarea sulphurica 30c , is it ok to give this dose instead? How long ?

Btw , now puss coming out of two openings..

Thanks again
heell 4 years ago
Pus coming means it is healing. What is the colour of pus? Think it is yellow.
Take a dose only in a morning.
5pills. Don't repeat. Wait for next 3 days.
freehomeoforall 4 years ago
Puss is slight yellowish white, it's not continuous. Mostly leaking few drops once in 5-6 days. Also sometimes while playing he feels it leaks slightly. My worry is it was one opening before now it's two.

I will give cal sulph 30c tomorrow morning and report after 3 days Thank you.
heell 4 years ago
Looks like discharge has slightly reduced after taking cal sulph 30c. Should we continue ?
heell 4 years ago
Yes take everyday morning for total 5 days.
freehomeoforall 4 years ago
hi male age 44 , suffering from anal fistula last winter and again this winter, this winter it seems at different place, pain and swelling was there , took anitibiotics ten days, pain reduced pus blood discharged , problem persisted but pain is no more, only during passing stool , started from nov mid its roughly more than a month now, very less discharge now, no pus , no smell, treating with hot water , redness increased last two days , after treating with hot water immersion pain is increasing , no constipation , quite far from anus, at least more than an inch
taking R13 | Dr. Reckeweg , please suggest , i havent ordered any medications oter than R13
kiran7 4 years ago
kiran7 said hi male age 44 , suffering from anal fistula last winter and again this winter, this winter it seems at different place, pain and swelling was there , took anitibiotics ten days, pain reduced pus blood discharged , problem persisted but pain is no more, only slight pain during passing stool , started from nov mid its roughly more than a month now, very less discharge now, no pus , no smell, treating with hot water , redness increased last two days , after treating with hot water immersion pain is increasing , no constipation , quite far from anus, at least more than an inch
taking R13 | Dr. Reckeweg , please suggest , i havent ordered any medications oter than R13
kiran7 4 years ago

I missed my medication for about two weeks due to travelling. I was taking calc flor and slicea.. unfortunately small black swelling is appearing which means the fistula is reoccurring. I will try to get my medication started again asap.. but any feedback would be appreciated.

magicali 4 years ago
Fistula is a thing what may occur again and again. Don't stop bio chemic cell salt by what you are getting relief. It needs complete recovery.
freehomeoforall 4 years ago
Ok thank you for your help. God bless you.
magicali 4 years ago
Hello !

Discharge seems to have reduced after Cal sulph 30c. Only once like 4-5 days back few drops otherwise quite minimal. Pls suggest. Thanks again!
heell 4 years ago
How much size reduction?
Any pain?
Could you please mention any other problems of your body and mind?
freehomeoforall 4 years ago
There is no pain , only puss coming out of two fistula openings.
There is no swelling , but area seems slightly harder than rest, it's been like this after second abscess popped couple of months back.
Sometimes he complains itchiness in the area.
He seems to have developed one or two dandruff spots on scalp since a month, still has winter stuffy nose and irritated throat on and off.
Mind - he seems happy and njoying both school and other activities.
heell 4 years ago
What is the colour of pus?
freehomeoforall 4 years ago
Puss is yellowish white..
heell 4 years ago
Any suggestions pls
heell 4 years ago
hi male age 44 , suffering from anal fistula last winter and again this winter, this winter it seems at different place, pain and swelling was there , took anitibiotics ten days, pain reduced pus blood discharged , problem persisted but pain is no more, only during passing stool , started from nov mid its roughly more than a month now, very less discharge now, no pus , no smell, treating with hot water , redness increased last two days , after treating with hot water immersion pain is increasing , no constipation , quite far from anus, at least more than an inch
taking R13 | Dr. Reckeweg , please suggest , i havent ordered any medications oter than R13
kiran7 4 years ago

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