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ED. No night falls. No morning erection.

54 old unmarried man. Masturbating twice daily since age 15. Never in life experienced night falls. ED since 25 age. Tried unani . Homoeo also damiana, ginseng, Avena, acid phos, bufo, calc phos, etc...no much improvement. Front scalp hair loss . Memory weakened. Constitutionally obese slightly, with legs slimmer , tummy more, good buttocks, slender wrist. Erection occurs for masturbation. But for sex no erection. Orgasmic pleasure much reduced during ejaculation. Thrusting theBthe penis in a vaginaEvagina does not give pleasurable incentive to go more hard. Circumcised penis. Sleeps well with heavy snore. Gastric problem with heartburns. BP sugar normal. Averse to physical exertion. No liquour. Tobacco chewing. Need help to tide over ED.
  Govindan456 on 2020-06-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
need more history

your sexual life history ?
your nature ?
your thermals ?

Thermals :
                                    Summer                                          Winter
Bathing                        Hot / Cold /  Luke Warm              Hot / Cold /  Luke Warm
Fanning                       requires or not?                                             requires or not?
Covering                     Thick / Thin? (1 or 2,etc)                Thick / Thin? (1 or 2,etc)
·         Open air : desires or not
·         Require Sweater in Winter ?
·         Chills begin from which part?

Dr Jitesh Sharma
drjitesh 4 years ago
Sir can I post in your mail id
Govindan456 4 years ago
Ok send me in my email id
Drjiteshsharma at live.com
drjitesh 4 years ago
Please check mail sir
Govindan456 4 years ago
I dint get any mail from you
drjitesh 4 years ago
Sir sent . Drjiteshsharma at live.com
Govindan456 4 years ago
Kuttan_n at yahoo.com is my mail id ofKof Nair my brothers name
Govindan456 4 years ago
Sorry kuttappan Nair
Govindan456 4 years ago
Replied again with details via reply button of your mail. As it is a long letter may be ending up in spam folder. Please check sir
Govindan456 4 years ago
Dr Hitesh Sharma, I had sent a mail posting my details as on date
Govindan456 4 years ago

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