The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Penis Foreskin related problem
I have been having an occasional problem of small hair-breadth cuts on the foreskin of my penis. Normally, I do not have any problem with pulling back my foreskin over the glans penis, when I masturbate. The movement is normally easy and the foreskin is tight. However, once in a while, these small cuts appear by themselves, and sometimes they last for months. During that time, masturbation becomes painful due to expansion of the skin and hence opening of the cuts. Then they heal by themselves, only to reoccur later. Since the foreskin is not tight, I thought this may be due to dryness of the foreskin and ignored the problem, but it has happened again and not healed for more than a week. Please let me know the best way to treat this...also my Foreskin is thinn. how do I make the foreskin less dry if that is the cause for these cuts? Or is it due to some infection? Please advise, I am in dire need of the same. I am not sexually active yet - But after 2 month i am going to marriage. But I do masturbate once a month only. I have always been very careful about cleaning my penis and the insides of the foreskin, with soap and water. Could soap be the reason for dryness? I have always treated the penis carefully,.
please Suggest good medicine
Shahid8 on 2020-06-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ freehomeoforall 4 years ago
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