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Feeling cold but sweating
Hi, I am male 36, 110 kgs. I am currently feeling weak/lethargic as during the lockdown I exerted a little too much.Our house helper was not coming so I had to do half of the household chores that my helper used to do. Apart from that I am working in a startup that takes a little toll on my health.
I think I was stressed for continuously 4 days physically and mentally and now am not well.
I have physical weakness currently and if I work moderately I am quickly tired.
My head feel congested and if I massage on my forehead it is temporarily relieved.
I am feeling cold although no one in my family is feeling the same. I don't like it under the fan or wind but if I cover myself I start sweating.
I feel my throat dry which is not relieved after taking water.
Water tastes very bad in the morning. And I want to lie down most of the times.
I am feeling feverish but I don't have any temperature. It does not go beyond 98 deg F.
I will be highly grateful if I could get some help here.
[Edited by mayankjoshi on 2020-06-23 18:05:30]
mayankjoshi on 2020-06-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HR BEFORE DINNER.
Arsenic Alb 30 five drops in an ounce of water 4 times a day,in addition Kali Phos 6X and Kali Mur 6X,five tabs of each three times a day.
Feedback after 4 days.
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HR BEFORE DINNER.
Arsenic Alb 30 five drops in an ounce of water 4 times a day,in addition Kali Phos 6X and Kali Mur 6X,five tabs of each three times a day.
Feedback after 4 days.
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
mayankjoshi 4 years ago
Thanks a lot Dr Anuj for the advise. I followed the remedies and I am mostly fine.
I am no more feeling weak or feverish. Head is clear and water tastes fine now.
I have developed mild symptoms which are new. I'm writing those here in case they should not be ignored.
- I've runny nose
- I feel like having luke warm water
- Sensitivity towards spices increased quite a bit. Regular snacks are tasting hot
- Throat feels sore but I'm confused if it's dry or sore. Drinking hot or cold water relieves it for sometime without pain but after sometime it again feels dry.
- The sweating reduced but it is still there. It was pungent 5 days back but now no smell is there.
Shall I continue the remedy, change or stop in your opinion? Thanks a lot again.
[Edited by mayankjoshi on 2020-06-28 17:25:08]
I am no more feeling weak or feverish. Head is clear and water tastes fine now.
I have developed mild symptoms which are new. I'm writing those here in case they should not be ignored.
- I've runny nose
- I feel like having luke warm water
- Sensitivity towards spices increased quite a bit. Regular snacks are tasting hot
- Throat feels sore but I'm confused if it's dry or sore. Drinking hot or cold water relieves it for sometime without pain but after sometime it again feels dry.
- The sweating reduced but it is still there. It was pungent 5 days back but now no smell is there.
Shall I continue the remedy, change or stop in your opinion? Thanks a lot again.
[Edited by mayankjoshi on 2020-06-28 17:25:08]
mayankjoshi 4 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
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