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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Non classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia

Any advice for this condition. My 17 year old daughter has Hirsutism on face and body with irregular periods. On low dose dexamethasone which brought on periods but irregular. Thanks
[Edited by carolzip on 2020-07-04 17:14:42]
  carolzip on 2020-07-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thyroidinum 30 five drops in an ounce of water three times a day

Lycopodium Clavatum 200 alternate day0 five drops in an ounce of water ones

Sabal Serrulata Tincture 10 drops ones a day

Silicea 6x five tabs three times a day.every day

feed back after every seven days
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2020-07-05 10:23:12]
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Thank you. Can you explain how to take the Lycopodium and the silicea. I don’t understand your instructions. Are they all taken every day?
carolzip 4 years ago
Lycopodium Clavatum 200 alternate day, five drops in an ounce of water ones

Silicea 6x five tabs three times a day.every day
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Is Lycopodium taken every other day? Not sure what alternate day means. Also are all remedies taken every day? Thank you
carolzip 4 years ago
Kindly google alternate day .

All other medicines every day .
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Hello. Thyroidinum drops not available here. What is the dose with pellets please?
carolzip 4 years ago
five pellets.
anuj srivastava 4 years ago

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