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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

left ovarian cysts with endometriosis

Hello. I am 47 years old. I currently have two dense homogeneous left ovarian cysts of 31 mm each. In 2012 I had a very large endometrial ovarian cyst surgically removed. I have endometriosis. I also have chemical and electrical sensitivity and I would prefer not to have surgically, if I can find an homeopathic remedy that could help removing the cysts.

I have been prescribed different homeopathic remedies by my gynecologists in the last months. Some have helped a bit, others made me very ill and my condition worsened. I was prescribed nux vomica 5ch and staphysagria 6LM which helped for a month. I felt more grounded, my mind was clearer, my constipation was better and I had almost no pelvic pain. Then, I was prescribed sepia 30ch and since then I have had severe left ovarian pain that radiates to the left leg and breast, very painful menstruation, headache and physical and mental fatigue. I also have water retention and numbness in my legs. The shortness of breath and difficulty breathing started when I took sepia 30ch.

I have stopped taking sepia because it has worsened my symptoms and created shortness of breath. I feel a bit lost and would appreciate any advice you might have. Many thanks.
  Tica on 2020-07-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HR BEFORE DINNER.In addition MAG PHOS 6X FIVE TABS THREE TO FOUR TIMES A DAY.



anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Many thanks for your suggestions. After I took the nux vom 200 once the first day, I felt discomfort (almost pain) in my stomach. The mag phos 6x gave me a headache the first day. The following days, mag phos did not produce headache anymore. I did not have any specific response to Lilium Tig.

My shortness of breath has disappeared, my mind is a bit more focused, and I have less pain in my left ovary, but the pain has not disappear. The pain continues to radiate to the left breast. Please, advise.
Many thanks.
Tica 4 years ago
Cont lilium and MP,giving weekly feedbacks.
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
I have continued with lilium tigrium 30 once a day and with mag phos 6x. My left ovarian pain and inflammation in the abdominal area is 80% better. I do not have pain in my leg and breast anymore (irradiating from the ovary). My constipation has also improved. I still have abdominal bloating usually after dinner, but less than three weeks ago. Some days I had stomach pain after taking the mag phos and I only took it once a day. The enema in my legs is still present but 70% better. My mental fog has also improved a lot. I postponed an ultrasound because I was feeling much better.

I was feeling much better in every sense (physically and mentally and emotionally) until 4 days ago when I started to have upper back pain and inflammation after a troubled conversation with my mother. It feels like when the inflammation in the pelvic area due to endometriosis is getting better, it now moves to my back area. I do not have shortness of breath anymore, but it feels like my vertebrae are stuck together and I have difficulty moving my head to the right and left. My arms are very weak. I cannot sleep because of back pain which started suddenly a few days ago. I have had this back pain and tendinitis in arms and shoulder in the past, some years ago when my chemical and electrical sensitivity began. It has now returned suddenly.

Please, advise. Many thanks in advance.
Tica 4 years ago
Sorry, I meant to say "edema in legs".

Tica said I have continued with lilium tigrium 30 once a day and with mag phos 6x. My left ovarian pain and inflammation in the abdominal area is 80% better. I do not have pain in my leg and breast anymore (irradiating from the ovary). My constipation has also improved. I still have abdominal bloating usually after dinner, but less than three weeks ago. Some days I had stomach pain after taking the mag phos and I only took it once a day. The edema in my legs is still present but 70% better. My mental fog has also improved a lot. I postponed an ultrasound because I was feeling much better.

I was feeling much better in every sense (physically and mentally and emotionally) until 4 days ago when I started to have upper back pain and inflammation after a troubled conversation with my mother. It feels like when the inflammation in the pelvic area due to endometriosis is getting better, it now moves to my back area. I do not have shortness of breath anymore, but it feels like my vertebrae are stuck together and I have difficulty moving my head to the right and left. My arms are very weak. I cannot sleep because of back pain which started suddenly a few days ago. I have had this back pain and tendinitis in arms and shoulder in the past, some years ago when my chemical and electrical sensitivity began. It has now returned suddenly.

Please, advise. Many thanks in advance.
Tica 4 years ago
In addition to MP have Nat Phos 6x and Nat Mur 6x three ties a day.

Lilium be continued.

Feedback after three days.
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
My upper back pain and muscle contractions have improved significantly. Now I can move my head almost without difficulty. My arms and shoulders still feel weak although tendinitis has improved 60%. Constipation has also improved, with bowel movements every day.
Please, advise. Many thanks.
Tica 4 years ago
Same protocol,with a feedback after 7 days.
anuj srivastava 4 years ago

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