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[Right side paralysis and speech problem after brain stroke]

My father is 56 years old. On December 21,2019 the right side of his body was paralysed and his speaking ability also was lost after a brain stroke. Allopathy treatments and physiotherapy treatments are still going on; but till now our family could not notice much improvement of his condition.Still my father can't use his right hand in daily life works and can't express himself and his emotions by talking to us.He is now in depression as even he can't talk to us or share with us his inner words. He is a diabetic patient too.We are very tensed about my father's health condition.He is in pain and we are feeling helpless and puzzled right now.We want our father's recovery as soon as possible.If there is any possible homeopathy treatment regarding my father's condition... Please suggest us that...
[Edited by Minu Kundu on 2020-08-01 10:23:43]
  Minu Kundu on 2020-08-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Causticum 30 five pellets three times a day.

In addition Kali Phos 3x and Mag Phos 3x,five tabs of each three times a day.

Weekly feedbacks.
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Thank you sir for your suggestions
Minu Kundu 4 years ago

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