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Homeopath tonics

How helpful are homeopathic tonics?
  Uchai on 2020-08-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Can homeopathy tonics help me study better?
Uchai 4 years ago
Is alfavena tonic good for someone born on 9th March?
Uchai 4 years ago
I have bipolar disorder. Some I get thoughts like a villain. Villain as depicted in movies. I try and calm myself. So far I am successful in this. But I need some help.
Uchai 4 years ago
I have been through a lot of bad experiences in life. Doing things that caused pain to me and my family. I feel I haven't given anything good to society. Being a pisces I can do good but the bad acts done cause me pain and shame.
Uchai 4 years ago
How can I keep calm in any situation? How can I be constructive? How can I be more fruitful? I just think to do something but never do anything well
Uchai 4 years ago
Homeopathy works like this-

Google any remedy and add materia medica.
You will see a list of mental and physical symptoms
That the remedy caused in a HEALTHY person.
Healthy people took the remedy( they are called
Provers) they had these symptoms.

Homeopathy works because the human body
Will not Accept anything that is too similar
To what is going on. The remedy is highly
Diluted molecular copy of the substance.

The body recognizes if the remedy is a close match.
Then the body raises your life force to get
Rid of the highly diluted remedy- when it
Does this the real problem is also targeted.
The real problem starts to release from your
Body/ mind.

You need someone to take your case.
You cannot self prescribe .
simone717 4 years ago
Even my chakras are out of balance.
Weight is just 45.
I am consulting a homeopathy doctor. But my life is going very bad. Seems even death wont solve anything. I wont commit suicide. But problems are such that even death isn't a solution.
Uchai 4 years ago
Tbh I am using this site as a release.
Alfavena tonic gave me sneezes.
The other 5 meds(remedy) that my doctor gave me are effective but I don't know what they are.
3 more remedies are there. 1 for morning, 2 for night time.
Uchai 4 years ago
I read about homeopathy medicine for zodiac sign types. My sign being pisces. Cell salt is ferrum. Will iron tonic help me.
Uchai 4 years ago
Apart from me. My sister has ODD , psychotic. This makes it difficult for me to forget my own problems
Uchai 4 years ago
Follow your homeopath and do not take extra
Things - you will get confused if you do that,
And your reactions to remedies the homeopath
Prescribed will not give accurate feedback.
simone717 4 years ago
1.My sister doesn't take her remedies. My mom tries a lot but she is very adamant.

2.She is a leo by zodiac. What can I do to help her.
Uchai 4 years ago
Also alfavena tonic didn't help me maybe dosage prescribed was wrong.
Uchai 4 years ago
How is zodiacs related to homeopathy?
Uchai 4 years ago
Just forget Zodiac and homeopathy.
Homeopathy has to be matched to symptoms
To work. For 200 years, homeopaths match the remedy and potency and do sing to symptoms and how to monitor the reactions and whether dosing or potency or remedy needs to change. This is why homeopathy

A common symptom of your sister’s illness is
They refuse medicines. Your mother can put drops of the meds in her drinks or even mixed with sauce in her food.
People do this with pets- it works. If pills, dissolve them in a
Couple tablespoons of water and then add that.

If alfalfa did not help, it is not right , so stop using it.
[Edited by simone717 on 2020-08-19 17:30:37]
simone717 4 years ago
Dear first of all you will have to feel good about yourself. Find something good in your self polish it and return something good to your family and society. Other than that no medication would help you. Obey your parent strictly. Behave well to every one. Do respect and have respect. It will cost u nothing. This is your remedy. Give feed back after one month.
Attiq1 4 years ago
Hi Attiq,
Mental health problems such as bi polar are from a physical imbalance.
The sufferers have physical issues of feeling supercharged with energy and and delusions . Then they lapse into severe depression.
They need medication-
Many people come on here saying they have OCD
Or anxiety issues but the cause is physical bc their body does not have enough energy to run right- and these “labels”
They give themselves have not been diagnosed
By a professional.
These problems are especially difficult with
Young people because they don’t have a good baseline of
What normal feels like. An older person often knows with certainty that something is not right , bc these feelings and energy levels are new.
Homeopathy can restore balance which restores
Normal thinking- you cannot override these negative
Feelings by will power alone. One has to be aware
Enough that these feelings are out of the norm
And then not believe them along with getting medicine to restore balance.
simone717 4 years ago
Simon u r right pls carry on suggest some remedy and help this guy. He really needs attention
Attiq1 4 years ago
Hi Attiq,
He is already under the care of a homeopath.
He needs to follow and report to the homeopath and not add in extra
Stuff or his results will not be accurate for
Future instructions.
simone717 4 years ago
Ok I will write.

I visited my homeopath yesterday. Will write about it.
Uchai 4 years ago
I do my best to be nice to everyone.
I play chess too. It helps me see my mistakes even in real life. I am working on my social skills.
Uchai 4 years ago
There is some improvement. Doctor is continuing all the remedies. In case I told him earlier I used to be positive about life. Enthusiastic about everything. Not it's just opposite low confidence. Negative mind, over thinking.
He said that continue the remedies improvement will show.

But in case of my sister, condition is getting worse. Doctor was worried too. He gave remedies. My sister has no social life at all. Just mom, me and elder brother. She has developed aversion to medicine. Maybe she needs behaviour therapy.
Uchai 4 years ago
I will describe my body and personality.
Uchai 4 years ago
I am regularly visiting temple. Going for walks. Connecting to people.
Uchai 4 years ago

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