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Classical / single remedy needed

Can somebody with sound knowledge of homeopathy, help me with a constitutional remedy / single remedy.

1. I'm taking treatment for anxiety and . ( serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor.)

2. I get chest pains, which is again neurotransmitter pains.

Now symptoms are under control.

But still not completely gone

3. HyperAcidity is major issue and chest pain ( non cardiac related )

4. Low energy and tiredness

5. I immediately catch cold and produce a lot of cough mucus, if I'm exposed to water ( washing vessels or clothes or standing barefoot in water, climate change, getting wet in rain,

6. and premature greying.

7. Gall bladder polyp measure 2X2 mm

8. Often hungry even after proper eating.

9. Cholesterol could be there.

10. I'm taking pills for BP telma 40

  SM24 on 2020-08-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Need to know more about you
Your desires/aversions related to foods Your diet
How you react to external stimuli and temperature variations
History of past illnesses / drugs / alcohol / any major change of place / work conditions
Your basic nature , your thoughts , sleep , dreams sexual problems etc
Once these things are clear then only we can find some constitutional remedy
A.Singh 4 years ago
Singh Sir,
Can I have a questionnaire kind of thing to give you my details
SM24 4 years ago
Take Baryta Carb 200 Three doses each at the interval of 15 minutes. No medicine for a week. Report after a week.
Pramod Jha 3 years ago

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