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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dosage of 0,1 potency

My homeopath prescribed to me 20 drops each day for 4 weeks od Stramonium 0,1 potency. I respect his knowledge but is it to strong?
  Sara13 on 2020-08-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Google : Hahnemann s advanced methods
- the choice of potency - site is whole health.

It sounds very strong. And not diluted enough. The article states
That with sensitive people often a 30c is the start
And after they get stronger can move on to LM.

How much do you know about this homeopath?
Are they a real homeopath or some other title like naturopath
simone717 4 years ago
I visited him couple time. I told him that I am so sensitive on homeopathy and always I have got terrible agreevation. I asked him very ligh potency, like 6c and he told me that is lighter then it.
Sara13 4 years ago
I did not hear using LM potency like this way.

1 globule in 100ml distilled water. Jerk the bottle 12 time. Then mix 1 spoon from the bottle with a cup of water. Mix it well by a spoon. And drink only 1 spoon from the cup. Through remaining remedy from the cup. If it also gives you aggravation, use another cup.
After making 1st cup remedy, take 1 spoon from this and mix with 2nd cup water.
Then drink only 1 spoon from thr 2nd cup remedy.
This is the only and one process to use LM potency.
There is no another way to use LM.
freehomeoforall 4 years ago
Thanks. I got drops. Is one drop equal to 1 pellet?
Sara13 4 years ago
LM potency is not in liquid form. It comes in globule form.
freehomeoforall 4 years ago
I am so confusing, how he gave me this in drops?
Sara13 4 years ago
Hi Sara,
Please read the article.

Freehomeo is in Bangladesh and perhaps they only have globules.
yes- it does come in liquid in western countries.

Freehomeo , you can read the article I told her about.
By diluting the remedy as Freehomeo told you? You could try it.
But what your homeopath did not tell you was if you aggravate
Stop dosing with that potency. No one can predict the reactions a person will have- no one. So your homeopath telling you to take for that many days ? With no other instructions is not good.

Also try just a couple drops in Freehomeo suggestion- Not 20.
simone717 4 years ago
Thank you so much. I was so affraid of aggravation and I took only one drop and delluted into 100 ml. Then I tooked 1 tb spoon and mixed with 1 glass of watter. And I drink half of water.

Did I do correctly? If not, can I repeat?
Sara13 4 years ago
Don't use glass. Use cup. And don't drink half. Drink only 1 spoon.
Don't repeat now. At first see the change within 24 hours. If no change, make another and drink.
If any aggravation within 24 hours, stop taking.
freehomeoforall 4 years ago
Repeating depends on your problems. If your problems is acute, you may repeat. If chronic, should wait more.
freehomeoforall 4 years ago
Sara13 4 years ago
My problem is chronic and there is not changes.
Sara13 4 years ago
I am just wondering how strong is one drop od Stramonium 0,1 potency what I was intake?
Sara13 4 years ago
Hi Sara,

Potency is an entire subject to study in homeopathy.
It is not a question of too strong- things can be too strong if you have too many doses( in a day, week, etc)
LM 01 is said to act deeper than the remedy in 30c.

I think you are asking about 1drop vs. more drops?
With pills ppl are told 1 pill to 6 pills for a dose.
Really more than 1 or 2 pills not needed, but some homeopaths do this Incase there is lack of remedy on a pill. With liquid
One or two drops is enough for a dose.
[Edited by simone717 on 2020-08-28 15:47:24]
simone717 4 years ago
Thank you. You are very kind person because you shering your knowledge and helping people.
Sara13 4 years ago
I don't know why are you taking Stramonium for.
If the selection of remedy is not perfect, you won't see any change.
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2020-08-29 02:41:03]
freehomeoforall 4 years ago
First 48 hours was not any changes than it started. I fil much better. I will wait and see.
Sara13 4 years ago
Could you please give detailed information of all of your problems?
freehomeoforall 4 years ago
Hi Sara,

Since we have many come on here, worldwide,
There are often English translation issues.

To clarify: You feel much better. Is that correct?
simone717 4 years ago
Yes, I do. I am going to see what will be in couple weeks then I will report here.
Thank you.
Sara13 4 years ago

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