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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hairfall and sweating

i have hair fall issue even with little force hair comes out. my family had male pattern baldness.i have lost most of front hair and it is progressing backward. Also white scalp comes if i itch my head.

Another problem, is when i go out or connect to people i sweat. Even though i am confident but once sweat comes, it gets into cycle and my whole forehead and back is filled with sweat which is bit embarassing.
Would need help from homeopaths here.
  newhere1 on 2020-10-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
take calc silicata 30 one dose weekly once for 2 week

report after 15 days

drjitesh 4 years ago
okay doctor. I have ordered medicine will submit my feedback after two week. By one dose, how many drops i need to take?
newhere1 4 years ago
Also dr jitesh should i start R32? I took it earlier for week
newhere1 4 years ago

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