The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Peridontal Abscess on Roof of Mouth
Hello there -I have had a small abscess on the roof of my mouth, straddled between my top right central incisor and right lateral incisor for several years. During that time there was either no lump or a very small lump, and when pressure was applied I could feel tingling, but very little pain.
In the last week it has swelled to a lump with soft swelling (feels full of pus and looks to be coming to a head, but no drainage), is slightly red and also stings. I can feel tingling in both incisors, but no pain. Eating and drinking aggravate it. The lateral incisor has a filling which is probably going bad as the tooth has darkened.
I am 40yo female, blonde, blue-eyed, average weight, very light skin. The top of my tongue is white in color and leaves an imprint of my bottom teeth when pressed against. The skin on my face is dry and red, like being flushed. The right side being slightly more red than the left. Also have small red pustules w/ pus on the right side of my face more than the left. My lips are always chapped. (These are some basics, I can add more if necessary.) I have also been having post-nasal drip/phlegm for several years, constantly clearing my throat during the day and worse at night, with coughing.
I have tried Bell 30c as well as Hepar 30c in the past few days, but the abscess continues to swell and feeling more tingling/stinging.
I have also been using a homemade mouthwash w/ clove and oregano, but several hours apart from taking any remedy.
Would someone kindly advise? Thank you!
[Edited by k_lake28 on 2020-11-11 20:59:01]
k_lake28 on 2020-11-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ anuj srivastava 4 years ago
My apologies for the delay, and thank you kindly for taking interest in my case once again.
After reaching out, the abscess opened that evening. I began the Silicea immediately (and continued for 7 days). The abscess swelling reduced significantly over the first 3 days, reducing back to a small swelling and remained as a small swelling.
Over the past several days, the swelling as increased again, though on a smaller scale, and the abscess has come to a head once again. There is further sensitivity in the lateral incisor, but no pain. Pressing on the abscess w/ the tongue extends the sensitivity down to the tooth.
Further advisement? Thank you again!
[Edited by k_lake28 on 2020-12-02 03:04:43]
After reaching out, the abscess opened that evening. I began the Silicea immediately (and continued for 7 days). The abscess swelling reduced significantly over the first 3 days, reducing back to a small swelling and remained as a small swelling.
Over the past several days, the swelling as increased again, though on a smaller scale, and the abscess has come to a head once again. There is further sensitivity in the lateral incisor, but no pain. Pressing on the abscess w/ the tongue extends the sensitivity down to the tooth.
Further advisement? Thank you again!
[Edited by k_lake28 on 2020-12-02 03:04:43]
k_lake28 4 years ago
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