The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Penis is thin in the centre
I am 25 years old.due to exessive mastubation my penis got thin in the centre.after whole penis got erect this infected area takes some time to erect.i am facing this problem from 6 years.I dont any ED issue.plz suggest me medicine to cure penis nerves damedged part healthy
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Aslam123 on 2021-01-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please try Caladium Seguinum 30C twice daily for 15 days.
♡ HealthyWorld 4 years ago
Aslam123 4 years ago
When have you taken first dose of Caladium?
How many doses have you taken?
What was the time of taking it?
Did you feel any improvement or worsening?
How many doses have you taken?
What was the time of taking it?
Did you feel any improvement or worsening?
♡ HealthyWorld 4 years ago
Sir i took first dose at 17 jan.
I took 10 drops 2 times in a day.
After breakfast and before dinner with 30 minutes gap.
No improvement....but one thing i have noticed..while erection i feel my penis is cold.
Before using this medicine my penis was hot while erection but now i feel coldness
I took 10 drops 2 times in a day.
After breakfast and before dinner with 30 minutes gap.
No improvement....but one thing i have noticed..while erection i feel my penis is cold.
Before using this medicine my penis was hot while erection but now i feel coldness
Aslam123 4 years ago
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