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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Gas and Bloating in upper abdomen

For almost a week I am suffering with gas and bloating in upper abdomen, 3-4 inch above the belly button in center of abdomen is the spot. I don't have pain but there is consistent pressure and feeling of gas being generated in that part.

My problem tends to get worse in the evening. There is fullness in upper abdomen and sometimes it gives me nausea. I am burping a lot but that doesn't help much. No passing gas enough from anus. Even when I do, my abdomen gets bloated again in no time.

I have already consulted an allopathy doctor but his medicines haven't made any difference.

I am 33 years old male from NCR. My height is 5 feet 8 inch while weight is 58 kg.
  mayankgates on 2021-01-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Carbo veg 30,5-6 pills 4times a day in empty stomach. Inform me after 5 days
Urepierk 4 years ago
Dear Mr. Urepierk,

I hope you are in good health.

Today, I have posted a question at https://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php...

I humbly request you to please answer the same.

Best regards,

Chitrangda Sharma
Chitrangda 3 years ago
Dear Mr. Urepierk,

I have posted a query at https://abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/601...

Please share your valuable opinion.

Kind regards,

Chitrangda Sharma
Chitrangda 3 years ago

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