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Epididymal Cyst /Spermatocele in left testicles

I am 58 years male suffering from spermatocele for 11 years. Initially, the size of the left testicular cyst was that of a pea but over the years it has grown to the size of a betel nut. Due to the enlarged size, I am feeling discomfort and mild pain in my left testicles at times. Due to this, I have also lost interest in sex with my wife. Please suggest some medicine to get rid of this disease. I am feeling depressed due to the enlarged size of the cyst which feels like three testicles
  Piacke on 2021-07-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.


15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HR BEFORE DINNER. FOR THREE DAYS  



Dose five (5) drops/pellets , taken at the same time 3 Times daily.

Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.

Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.

anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Thanks so much Dr.Srivastava.I will continue the suggested medication from tomorrow and will update you with the outcom after 7days.
Piacke 3 years ago
Dear Dr.Srivastava,Good afternoon.First of all I would like to seek apology for the delay in starting with the suggested treatment as I was travelling.Please be noted that I started with the treatment from 13th August and today is the 7th day to submit my feedback which is as under:-
1.There is no significant improvement as regards to my prevailing ailment.
2.There is NO apparent change in my sensual desire & erectile dysfunction.
3.There also seems NO improvement in the discomfort & mild pain in my left testicular spermatocele cyst which has grown to the size of a betel nut.

I shall ever be grateful if you kindly help me to get rid of the above said ailment.

Thanking you for all your kind assistance.
Best regards
Piacke 3 years ago
Continue same protocol.

Feedback after 7 days.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Thanks so much, Doctor. This means I will have to continue Nux Vom 200 for 3 days and discontinue Conium 30 for 3 days until Nux Vom is continued? Pls suggest.Best regards
Piacke 3 years ago
Nux not to be taken as of now.Only the other remedies.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Duly noted.Thanks so much.
Piacke 3 years ago
Dear Dr.Srivastava,

I am taking the remedies as per your medical advise.

The feedback is that there is no significant improvement with regards to my concern/ailments as of now despite taking the suggested remedies regularly & on time.

I shall be thankful to hear from you on the future course of medication from your good self.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Best regards
Piacke 3 years ago
Sabal Serrulata Q ten drops in an ounce of water three times a day.

Calc Sulph 6x and Calc Phos 6x five tabs of each three times a day.

Stop conium and cell salts.

Weekly feedbacks
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Thanks so much Doctor
Piacke 3 years ago
Dear Doctor,
I have been following your remedies regularly and on time. But unfortunately, there is no improvement to my ailment so far. Most of it, the ever increasing size of the left testicular cyst remains the same .The size of the cyst has grown so large that it appears to be that of a third testicle within the left testicular sack.Moreover,there is also no improvement in my sex drive,it still remains very poor with problems in erection.Please help me out to overcome these ailments for which I shall ever be thankful to you.
Piacke 3 years ago
There are no miracles to be expected
Will take time.
Same protocol to be followed.
Feedback after 7 days
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Dear Dr.Srivastava,Thanks so much for your advise.I do agree with you in toto and have the same view that it would take some time to have positive results of the ongoing treatment.

I am following the treatment protocol taking the suggested medicines,
1.Sabal Serrulata Q <br>2.Cal Sulph 6X
3.Calc Phos 6X

I will get back to you with the outcome after one week.

Thanks for all your kind assistance.

Best regards
Piacke 3 years ago
Dear Dr.Srivistava,
I am taking the medicines for almost 2 months as per your advise as per following details:-

Sabal Serrulata ten drops in an ounce of water three times a day.

Calc Sulph 6x and Calc Phos 6x five tabs of each three times a day

The feedback is that there is considerable improvement in the discomfort & mild pain in the left testicle spermatocele.But there is NO improvement in reduction of the cyst size which almost appears like a third testicle within the sachet of the left testicle.And also there is no improvement in the libido/erectile dysfunction.

I shall be grateful for your medical advise.

Thanking you,

Best Regards
Piacke 3 years ago
In addition Thuja 30 three times five pellets.

Instead of Calc Sulph start Calc Flour 6x.

Rest no change.Feedback after 7 days.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Thanks so much Dr Srivastava for your valuable advise.

Piacke 3 years ago
Dear Dr.Srivastava,

Good evening.

The feedback is that there is considerable improvement in the discomfort & mild pain in the left testicle spermatocele.

But there is NO improvement in reduction of the cyst size which almost appears like a third testicle within the sachet of the left testicle. And also there is no improvement in the libido.I have lost the urge of making intimate relationship.

I shall be grateful if you kindly help me to get over the above said complications.Please do HELP.

Thanking you,

Best Regards
Piacke 3 years ago
Thuja 200 m five drops in an ounce of water ones at night.Daily

Apis 30 five drops ones in the morning.Daily


Feedback after 7 days.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Dear Dr.Srivastava,

Thanks so much for your kind medical advise.

I shall be grateful if you kindly clarify on the following:

1.Shall I discontinue taking Sabal Serrulata and Calc Phos 6X ??
2.Also please suggest whether I should dilute Alpis 30 in water or take it directly by puttting 5 drops on my tongue??

Thanks so much to hear from you on my above query.

Best regards,
Pradeep Choudhary
Piacke 3 years ago
I should dilute Alpis 30 in water or take it directly by putting 5 drops on my tongue??YOU CAN HAVE IT EITHER WAY.

Do not discontinue SS and CP.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Thanks so much, Dr.Shrivastava.
Piacke 3 years ago
Dear Dr Srivastava, I have been taking ONLY Pulsatilla 30 remedy as suggested by you. But since the last few days, I am feeling mild pain in the cyst in the left testicle which has continually growing up in size like a third testicle. This mild pain radiates into the left groin area as well as in the extreme left side of the lower abdomen area.Also feeling heaviness & discomfort due to oversize of the cyst in left testicle. Pls, suggest what needs to be done to overcome this problem. I shall indeed be indebted for your kind assistance & support as I am feeling very low due to this disease. Rgds
Piacke 2 years ago
Stop all remedies and start RHODODENDRON 30 three times a day.

Feedback after 4 days.
anuj srivastava 2 years ago
Thanks Dr Srivastava for your medical advice.Pls advise how many drops have to be taken?And whether directly or with water?
Piacke 2 years ago
Dosage and method of taking remains the same as advised earlier.
anuj srivastava 2 years ago

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