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Brain Stroke; Tumor & Paralysis:

My youngest brother ( his age is now 40 years). He became paralyzed LEFT Side in August, 2010. There was threat of flood to come in July-August 2010. He was thinking day & night that if it came in city then what will be about the farmers and labors, daily wagers, how much time land will take time to dry and able for cultivation. How the people will survive. In this tension, he became paralyzed in August 2010. He was brought to Karachi NMC Brain Specialist. Medical Professional inserted shunt in his head and referred for Gamma Knife surgery after checking CT Scan & MRI. Gamma Knife done in October 2010. Medical expert suggested Dexamethasone and some other for time being but passing more than five years these medicines were used without any progress on quarterly MRI reports. At last two Brain Tumors as Pituitary & Meningioma were removed by surgical operation in 2016. Surgeon suggested for different medicines including Cortisone to reduce inflammation.
He is still Paralyzed up-to-date August, 2021, and taking different medicines including cortisone as recommended by surgeon.
Request to advice for homeopathic medicines along with potency and timing to use it if possible.
[Edited by sherdil on 2021-08-06 15:05:32]
  sherdil on 2021-08-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.


15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HR BEFORE DINNER. FOR THREE DAYS.



Dose five (5) drops/pellets .

Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.

Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.

[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2021-08-06 14:46:47]
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Dear Brother, I have requested to my younger brother to come to Karachi from my home town which is away of 10 hours drive by public transport. He has to arrange a helper or male nurse for support. Now, it is possible to come to me from 23 to 26 August 2021. On his arrival here, I shall inform you brother.
One thing more to inform you that use of Dexamethasone tablets & Cortisone, he has been captured by the side effects of diabeties and he uses insulin morning & evening. 20 units morning and 30 to 40 in evening after dinner. Sugar in blood varies from 150 to 600 it depends upon atmosphere, he faces day to day.
Hope we will be in touch.
[Edited by sherdil on 2021-08-14 21:56:29]
sherdil 3 years ago
Respected Doctor
Sir, my brother is taking daily medicine as given below from last year:
Tab Hydrocortisone 10mg 1+0+0.5 daily
Tab Thyroxine 50 McG 1.5 morning
Tab Lerace (Leretiracetam) 1+0+1 daily
Tab Co Q-10 200mg 1+0+1 daily
Mastard Company Insulin: 36 units in the Morning & 24 units in the Evening.
I have decided that all the medicines will be stopped from today 2nd September 2021 from the dinner and Homeopathic medicine as prescribed above will be started except insulin which depends upon daily reading of blood sugar. Furthermore, any suggestions may be advised if possible because he is coming here at Karachi after one year on my special request to start medicine from Nux and three salts for three days.
[Edited by sherdil on 2021-09-02 14:41:18]
sherdil 3 years ago
Dear Doctor
Today, My youngest brother has been reached to me after taking dinner in the way at 11.00 pm. I gave him Nux 30 as suggested above. Three salts as advised.
sherdil 3 years ago
Dear Doctor
Please advise me how it has to be given if you like it.

sherdil 3 years ago
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Dear Doctor,
It will be followed as advised.
Let the medicines reach in hand from Lahore Purchased.
These four medicines will be in addition that may be tremor exists. The Lachesis-200 weekly dose, and 3 Basic Salts regularly three times per day as already prescribed for support.
sherdil 3 years ago
Dear Doctor Anuj Srivastava
(God Bless You on very Soft and helpful Communication with all)
Recently a MRI report is email for your further suggestions.
He is still Left-Paralyzed and broken speech not cleared.

Historical Background as:
My youngest brother, age = 40 years. He became paralyzed left side in August, 2010. He brought to Karachi National Medical Center (NMC) Hospital. Brain Specialist inserted him shunt in his head and referred for Gamma Knife Surgery after checking CT Scan & MRI. Gamma Knife Surgery means (Pakistan Gamma Knife & Stereotactic Radiosurgery Center Neurospinal & Medical Institute, at Karachi, Pakistan). Gamma Knife Surgery operated by Gamma Rays on 06.10.2010. Medical Experts/Surgeon Gamma Knife prescribed to Maqbool Dexamethasone 24 tab 0.5 mg per day for inflammation of tissues (Copy enclosed). No progress obtained by quarterly MRI reports after even passing five (5) years.
Then my younger brother contacted to different hospitals alongwith their success rate. The Weill Cornell Neurological Center & Medical College, New York, USA was selected with highest performance. He contacted and made them a business deals then sent Maqbool for medical treatment on 28.08.2016. Maqbool arrived at New York, USA and contacted the concerned of Weill Cornell Neurological Center & Medical College Hospital but they refused to attendant of Maqbool as a patient until transfer of amount to the account of hospital is completed as estimated valued. So Maqbool with his attendant stayed in the hotel until transfer of amount. During his stay in hotel at New York, USA Maqbool went to COMA. In emergency, a Local Government Hospital of New York City, USA entertained Maqbool and shifted again to hotel. During Maqbool with attendant were staying in hotel he went to COMA second again. In emergency again contacted to the concerned of Weill Cornell Neurological Center & Medical College, New York, USA. They again refused that complete estimated value has not been received in the hospital account so cannot be touch to the patient. Contact to nearby, Local Government Hospital who will entertain the patient. Again Maqbool was taken and admitted in the Local Government Hospital at New York City, USA. Meantime, the attendant was linked by calling, reporting and contacting to the concerned of Weill Cornell Neurological Center & Medical College, New York, USA. The management of the Weill Cornell Neurological Center & Medical College, New York, USA replied that the amount has been transferred in their hospital account so sending you a team who will took Maqbool from the Local Government Hospital and admit as procedure. After reaching the estimated amount in their account then they started treatment of Maqbool. It was day to day voice and message conversation with the attendant of Maqbool. The attendant of Maqbool was his native friend, Post Graduate as well as belonging to a business community.
Dr Philip E Slieg, MD, PHD & Dr. Rohan Rama krishna MD operated two Brain Tumors (Pituitary & Meningioma) of Maqbool in the Weill Cornell Neurological Center & Medical College, New York, USA with a gap of one or two weeks. After stability, they sent Maqbool back to Karachi. These two Surgeons prescribed different medicines including Hydrocortisone to reduce inflammation of tissues and suggested him for physiotherapy in Pakistan due to no facility in the said hospital. Maqbool was received by Neuro-surgeon at Karachi hospital on 24.11.2016.
Doctors of the hospital at Karachi were deciding about his treatment. After passing three days without giving him Hydrocortisone meantime Maqbool went to COMA third time.
Maqbool is still Paralyzed even the utilization of different services of physiotherapist up-to-date 2021, and taking different medicines including hydrocortisone.
Dear Doctor! my brother is taking medicine daily as given below from last year (it is already reported):
Tab Hydrocortisone 10 mg 1+0+0.5 daily
Tab Thyroxine 50 McG 1.5 morning
Tab Lerace (Leretiracetam) 1+0+1 daily
Tab Co Q-10 200mg 1+0+1 daily
Mastard Company Insulin: 36 units in the Morning & 24 units in the Evening.
I have decided that all the medicines will be stopped from today 2nd September 2021 from the dinner and Homeopathic medicine as prescribed above will be started except insulin which depends upon daily reading of blood sugar, already reported on Thu Sep 02 2021.
He started taking medicines from last two weeks as suggested; Ruta 6 and Calcarea Phosphorica 3X specific treatment for brain tumors. Five drops of Ruta 6x and five tabs of CP 3x be given and treatment be continued for a long duration with weekly feedbacks. (Latest MRI report has been pasted in email).
He has reported today on 19.03.2022 that if tab Hydrocortisone 10 mg (1+0+0.5) daily is reduced evening time (0.5) mg then, his sugar level increases up to 590 in the evening then the procedure of one tab changed of; Hydrocortisone 10 mg (0.5+0+0.5) daily. The result came in favour and Sugar reported below as per routing is 200-morning (36 units insulin) and 400-night (24 units insulin).
sherdil 2 years ago
Ruta 6

Citrus Vulgaris Q <br>


Calcarea Phosphorica 3X,Kali Phos 3x and Nat Sulph 3x five tabs of each three times a day.

feedback every 15 days.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2022-03-19 15:33:01]
anuj srivastava 2 years ago
Dear Doctor Anuj Srivastava
(God Bless You)

Thank you for advice.

sherdil 2 years ago

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