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Son Growth and Hight stopped last two years

Hello , I would like to consult about my son height growth. My son age 12 year and Hight 4.3 weight 41.3kg . Myself/spouse ( 5.4 and 5,3ft ) and my father Hight around 5.10 ft .
I observed his height not increase compare his age and weight. Normally he is doing normal fitness and taking regular food ( Veg/Nonveg) however his Hight has Stop compare to others same age children.
He did not have any medical issue .

Kindly suggest if any remedies can help his growth ..

  Sanjeebmallick1 on 2021-09-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try Rite-Hite combination SBL is the manufacturer
Dosage as in the bottle
Post changes after a month or so
Kaps 3 years ago
Thanks Dr .
I will let you result know after a month .
Sanjeebmallick1 3 years ago
Hi Sanjeeb did u give ritehite to your son and what was the result.

I also want to give to my daughter.

punitmittal777 3 years ago

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