The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Aggravation after switching from Puls 30c to 3LM
I was taking Pulsatilla 30c with very good results (less weeping).Switched to 3 LM hoping a better effect, but it aggravated me with extreme cold, shivering and feeling sick with nausea.
I thought 30c effect was similar to 3 LM...
voltation on 2021-11-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You can try the aggravation zapper:
put a granule or pellet of the remedy with 3LM potency into a glass of water (about 10 ounces) and then dump and immediately refill the glass, continuing this dumping and refilling until the desired glass is reached. (Yes, the granule will be dumped out of the glass the first time – you don’t have to wait for it to dissolve – the remedy is already in the water as soon as the granule hits it.) Then, take a sip.
You are standing at the sink with the cold water running when you're doing this, ideally with a disposable cup.
So, again, to be clear, you’re standing at the sink, cold water on, fill up the cup, drop in a remedy pellet, dump out the cup, refill with water, dump out, refill….stop somewhere and take a sip! It could be the 6th cup, it could be the 12th cup or the 10th cup, pick one, probably any one of those will work!
You can try the aggravation zapper:
put a granule or pellet of the remedy with 3LM potency into a glass of water (about 10 ounces) and then dump and immediately refill the glass, continuing this dumping and refilling until the desired glass is reached. (Yes, the granule will be dumped out of the glass the first time – you don’t have to wait for it to dissolve – the remedy is already in the water as soon as the granule hits it.) Then, take a sip.
You are standing at the sink with the cold water running when you're doing this, ideally with a disposable cup.
So, again, to be clear, you’re standing at the sink, cold water on, fill up the cup, drop in a remedy pellet, dump out the cup, refill with water, dump out, refill….stop somewhere and take a sip! It could be the 6th cup, it could be the 12th cup or the 10th cup, pick one, probably any one of those will work!
♡ Meir 3 years ago
Hi Meir, what you are refering to is diluting to soften the strength of the remedy? For example using this serial dilution, see video?
voltation 3 years ago
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