The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Fever indigestion sore throat nose congestion
hiMy 5 years old daughter caught with common cold, flu and cough 3 weeks ago. She didn't hv temperature but coughing and sneezing a lot. i used homeopathic medicine BM 1 for tonsils and cough. she was better but still had non stop cough again from last 2 days. Her phlegm wasn't coming out then i used anti tart 30 from last 2 days. Phlegm came out but not much. she is snoring during sleep and coughing a lot. kindly suggest me a medicine for her. Also what should we do to boost child immunity so that they wont easily caught with viral flu and all that.
[Edited by Sobia2 on 2022-03-10 01:31:47]
Sobia2 on 2021-12-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Incorrect prescription is generally the cause of this kind of trouble. Give her Nux Vomica 30 one dose which will antidote former medicines and hopefully set things right.
♡ telescope 3 years ago
i am really glad to tell u that i gave her a dose of Nux vom and today things are much better. she is not coughing any more. Thank u so much for ur help. i will msg again if i had any other problem regarding my kids so that they will get the proper prescribed medication.
thank u so much once again.
i am really glad to tell u that i gave her a dose of Nux vom and today things are much better. she is not coughing any more. Thank u so much for ur help. i will msg again if i had any other problem regarding my kids so that they will get the proper prescribed medication.
thank u so much once again.
Sobia2 3 years ago
My daughter is 5.5 years old. A day before yesterday she had indigestion and vomit during sleeping at night. The vomit was smelly containing all the food particles he ate from breakfast to night. then yesterday in the morning she did 2,3 big smelly motions. now today she is not doing vomiting and motions but passing gases which are smelly and now she is having fever sour throat and congestion in nose aswell. She had pain in throat. kindly suggest her some medicines.
My daughter is 5.5 years old. A day before yesterday she had indigestion and vomit during sleeping at night. The vomit was smelly containing all the food particles he ate from breakfast to night. then yesterday in the morning she did 2,3 big smelly motions. now today she is not doing vomiting and motions but passing gases which are smelly and now she is having fever sour throat and congestion in nose aswell. She had pain in throat. kindly suggest her some medicines.
Sobia2 3 years ago
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