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Need Homeopathic expert’s opinion “Rectal Fistula” Page 2 of 2
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♡ Kaps 3 years ago
Thanks and Regards, The fever didn’t came back since last 24 hrs. So didn’t take any remedies. I have taken Paeonia 1M (1 drop with water before lunch) for the 3rd day(Jan 22)
Symptoms today— After bowl movement external opening of the fistula swollen up, little pain and discomfort feeling felt there, after a while discharge came out which is sometimes transparent and sometimes brownish. Should I continue Paeonia 1M or try Arnica 200
Symptoms today— After bowl movement external opening of the fistula swollen up, little pain and discomfort feeling felt there, after a while discharge came out which is sometimes transparent and sometimes brownish. Should I continue Paeonia 1M or try Arnica 200
King84 3 years ago
Paeo 1M 1 drop before lunch and how many drops Arnica 200 should be taken?
King84 3 years ago
Arnica twice a day 2-3 drops in water
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
Hi, I’ve taken Paeonia 1M along with Arnica 200 for the second day, but the symptoms are coming back strongly:
1. Before/After bowl movement Yellow pus is forming
2. Pain and discomfort feeling came back
3. External opening is getting bigger
1. Before/After bowl movement Yellow pus is forming
2. Pain and discomfort feeling came back
3. External opening is getting bigger
King84 3 years ago
Stop the remedies and observe the symptoms are the symptoms of
The same magnitude as before the treatment?
The same magnitude as before the treatment?
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
Hi, I’m on the 6th day without any remedies.
The only Symptoms is —— Transparent discharge coming out from the external opening of the Fistula. And the external opening is becoming whiteish in colour nowadays. Regards
The only Symptoms is —— Transparent discharge coming out from the external opening of the Fistula. And the external opening is becoming whiteish in colour nowadays. Regards
King84 3 years ago
Just watch out for
Size of the opening
Volume of the clear discharge for a few days more and post in these two issues
Size of the opening
Volume of the clear discharge for a few days more and post in these two issues
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
Hi, good day, waited for one more week, The opening has become a little smaller, the secretion of discharge has decreased a bit, after bowl movement symptoms bit there, little bit discomfort feeling and burning is there, but still it’s ok, I’m thinking to wait few more days. Opinion/ direction please.
King84 3 years ago
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
Hi, good-day, it’s been almost three weeks that I’m posting here. Things were going well, though clear discharge was there, size of the opening and volume of discharge were also decreased. But five days earlier pus (yellow) was being seen, but I thought maybe it’s temporary, but last two days symptoms are aggressive.
*Discomfort, irritation, pain both inside and outside of the anus and on the external opening.
*Pus (yellow) is sometimes watery and sometimes thick.
*After bowl movement symptoms are there. Opinion please.
*Discomfort, irritation, pain both inside and outside of the anus and on the external opening.
*Pus (yellow) is sometimes watery and sometimes thick.
*After bowl movement symptoms are there. Opinion please.
King84 3 years ago
Repeat Paeonia 1M one dose daily for three days
In addition Acidum Nitricum 200 once a day for three days
In addition Acidum Nitricum 200 once a day for three days
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
Repeat Paeonia 1M one dose daily for three days
In addition Acidum Nitricum 200 once a day for three days
In addition Acidum Nitricum 200 once a day for three days
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
*Paeonia 1M one dose (does it mean five drops with water) ?
*Acidum Nitricum 200 ( please mention how many drops) ?
*Paeonia 1M one dose (does it mean five drops with water) ?
*Acidum Nitricum 200 ( please mention how many drops) ?
King84 3 years ago
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
Hi, good day, Directions of the last post followed for three days. Symptoms of the last post decreased by almost 70% . Opinion please.
[Edited by King84 on 2022-02-25 16:17:34]
[Edited by King84 on 2022-02-25 16:17:34]
King84 3 years ago
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
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