The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Trying to improve my health and wellbeing
Hi there,I'm 41 yr old female who discovered Gilbert's Syndrome and confirmed by dna blood sample. I have all of the possible symptoms, none of which are"life threatening" but all horrible to live with. I'm very healthy and eat and drink water the way I should, yet still suffering from symptoms: Tired, abdominal bloating/gas/ibs constipation/diarhea, feeling anxious/overwhelmed/moody, migraines, food sensitivities, joint pain, skin sensitivity and Keratosis Pylaris. I stay away from wheat, soft cheeses and milk, certain grains, don't eat very much raw vegetables or high sugar fruits, try not to eat processed foods, get plenty of dark green veg and berries, take vitamins of quality,meditation/yoga/exercise regularly and get 8 hours sleep. Very sensitive and introverted. Definitely experience difficulty picking up new information and anxiety over that, also brain fog.
Any advice on homeopathy would be greatly appreciated, as I have tried other types of medical help and only achieved slight benefits. I'm definitely not absorbing the vitamins and minerals from my food.
rswearingen on 2022-01-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Aurum Metallicum 200 05 drops in water. OR 04 pills at bed time for four days
From fifth day morning
Thuja O mother tincture 10 drops in water empty stomach ( wake up rinse mouth thoroughly take medicine and wait for 20 minutes for eating or brushing teeth) For a week
No coffee perfumes when u take thuja
Post symptoms on fifth morning
From fifth day morning
Thuja O mother tincture 10 drops in water empty stomach ( wake up rinse mouth thoroughly take medicine and wait for 20 minutes for eating or brushing teeth) For a week
No coffee perfumes when u take thuja
Post symptoms on fifth morning
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
When I looked up metallicum 200 I didn't think it sounded like my personal situation at all. Why did you recommend it? I do have thuja. Metallicum is for narcissists with heart issues? Not applicable here. I need liver support and possible hormone balancing. Thank you
rswearingen 3 years ago
You have described the effect of Aurum in two words
Aurum and thuja even after 230 years still remain fully proven so do not doubt my experience with these
The remedies prescribed are to bring back the unbalanced economy in you to a fairly balanced state
Thereafter you may come out with manageable symptoms
Choice is yours
Post if u are keen
Aurum and thuja even after 230 years still remain fully proven so do not doubt my experience with these
The remedies prescribed are to bring back the unbalanced economy in you to a fairly balanced state
Thereafter you may come out with manageable symptoms
Choice is yours
Post if u are keen
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
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