The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Fistula in ano
Hello all, I'm 42 yrs male. No other health issues. Diagnosed Fistula in ano about 8 months back and didn't went to conventional treatment. From the begining went through Homeopathy. I was prescribed many remedies in different potencies and doses. Like Hepar sulph, Silicea, Calc sulph, Paeonia off, Myristica sebifera, Calc fluor etc. I was temporary getting better but again its came back. And about a week back i took a single dose of Staphylococcin 200 but after 2/3 days having it the symptoms got worsen, like the fistula opening is swelling, pus is forming and lot of pain around anus and after pus discharge pain reduced but clear fluid discharge all the time. Any suggestions??Simon42 on 2022-02-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Silicea 6X and Calc Flour 6x five tabs of each three times a day.
In addition Sulphur 30 five pellets early morning empty stomach every day.
Feedback after 7 days.
In addition Sulphur 30 five pellets early morning empty stomach every day.
Feedback after 7 days.
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Hi Mr Anuj, greetings, I have Silicea 12X and Calc Flour 12X in my stock. Is there any option to take 12X instead 6X
Simon42 3 years ago
Sir please I have one doubt the are two anacardium is there on online one is anacardium orientale another one is anacardium occidentale. My doubt is the two remedy is same are different please help me I have confuse
Aadithya selvan 3 years ago
Hi, greetings, since two days thick and yellow pus is forming and discharging, what is your suggestion.
Simon42 3 years ago
Have you started Sil and CF in 12X and Sulphur in the morning?
Calendula Ø mixed in pure coconut oil (1:3) for external use at night and morning before stool.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2022-02-14 12:45:40]
Calendula Ø mixed in pure coconut oil (1:3) for external use at night and morning before stool.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2022-02-14 12:45:40]
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Simon42 3 years ago
Simon42 3 years ago
Hi, is this Calendula officinalis or Calendula Q or Calendula MT? And do i have to apply the mixer around the anus and on the external opening of the fistula? Thanks in advance.
[Edited by Simon42 on 2022-02-15 10:07:08]
[Edited by Simon42 on 2022-02-15 10:07:08]
Simon42 3 years ago
And do i have to apply the mixer around the anus and on the external opening of the fistula? YES.
Calendula Officinalis-YES
Calendula Officinalis-YES
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Hi, greetings, i'm following the protocol since 2 days, but still i have some confusion about the use of Calendula officinalis Q.
<br>As i go for BM once a day so i use the mixture only before BM (once a day).
(1) Do i need to use it only before BM (once, twice or thrice) or i should use it two times a day (morning and night)?
(2) Do i need to use it only outside around the anus and on the fistula opening or i should use it even inside the anus as well?
(1) Do i need to use it only before BM (once, twice or thrice) or i should use it two times a day (morning and night)?
(2) Do i need to use it only outside around the anus and on the fistula opening or i should use it even inside the anus as well?
Simon42 3 years ago
(1) Do i need to use it only before BM (once, twice or thrice) or i should use it two times a day (morning and night)?TWO TO THREE TIMES A DAY AFTER BM.CLEAN THE AREA THEN APPLY.
(2) Do i need to use it only outside around the anus and on the fistula opening or i should use it even inside the anus as well?AS OF NOW ONLY OUTSIDE.USING INSIDE WILL BE PAINFUL.
(2) Do i need to use it only outside around the anus and on the fistula opening or i should use it even inside the anus as well?AS OF NOW ONLY OUTSIDE.USING INSIDE WILL BE PAINFUL.
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Hi, Greetings, I’m following the protocol
(Silicea 12X, Calc fluor 12X, Sulphur 30, Calendula Q) over a week.
On the first 4/5 days of protocol there (inside and out of the anus and on the external opening) were lots of discomfort, irritation and pain (within my tolerance). Pus (yellow in colour) was discharged through the external opening and through the anus (I guess) as well. After 1/2 hours of BM Pus gathered on the opening and drained itself within hours before forming an abscess.
From the 6th day volume of yellow pus reduced.
On the 7th day 3/4 hours after BM yellow pus gathered on the external opening and form a little abscess and after 5/6 hours the abscess ruptured and the pus drained. That is "recurring abscess" and "recurring pus" is going on.
After the pus drained when i check with mirror i found it’s more or less wet around the external opening and the area almost all the day. Thanks again.
[Edited by Simon42 on 2022-02-22 19:08:00]
(Silicea 12X, Calc fluor 12X, Sulphur 30, Calendula Q) over a week.
On the first 4/5 days of protocol there (inside and out of the anus and on the external opening) were lots of discomfort, irritation and pain (within my tolerance). Pus (yellow in colour) was discharged through the external opening and through the anus (I guess) as well. After 1/2 hours of BM Pus gathered on the opening and drained itself within hours before forming an abscess.
From the 6th day volume of yellow pus reduced.
On the 7th day 3/4 hours after BM yellow pus gathered on the external opening and form a little abscess and after 5/6 hours the abscess ruptured and the pus drained. That is "recurring abscess" and "recurring pus" is going on.
After the pus drained when i check with mirror i found it’s more or less wet around the external opening and the area almost all the day. Thanks again.
[Edited by Simon42 on 2022-02-22 19:08:00]
Simon42 3 years ago
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