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Kidney Stone



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Kidney Stone

I have a kidney stone in my left kidney it is about 1.5 cm can anyone tell me if i can take some medcine that will dissolve it please i am from canada and i am really scared of this kidney stone please help.

  tadktadk on 2006-05-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Particulars Main Symptom Concominant Symptom Others
Description of Sufferings ( Physical )

Aggravated by
Ameliorated by
Do you have any other Strange, Rare or Peculiar Sensation or Feeling in body or mind.

Exact Locations affected with time (Physical)

Possible Cause ( Physical )

Inherited Cause(Y/N)
Disease(s) running in the family

Pattern of Occurance & Recurrance

Any Relation to Menstrual Cycle (For women)

Which time of the day is it worst?
Symptoms occuring since
Generals: Please answer the following questions about yourself.
1 Which climate do you think is best for your overall health ? Summer or Winter
2 Do you get sick during any climatic changes or any place changes?
3 What best describes your temperament eg. Mild, Hot tempered, Moody etc.
4 Do you have frequent differences in opinions with your colleagues/family?
5 Do these contradictions affect you much during the day?
6 Do you like company or prefer solitude during your free time?
7 Do you have any peculiar habit eg. Causeless weeping, talking to oneself etc.
8 Do you dream of any particular situation repetedly?
9 Do you feel better or worse during a thunderstorm?
10 Do you have fears like that of Darkness, Robbers, Crowd, Suffocation etc.
11 Do you suffer from depression for any specific reason?
12 Does mental exertion aggravate your symptoms?
13 Are you averse to consolation if you are depressed and seek loneliness?
14 Are you Suspicious by nature?
15 Do you get Offended easily?
16 Are you talkative by nature or inclined to sit quietly?
17 Are you always restless or in a hurry to finish any work?
18 Are you indifferent to your friends and relatives? Hatred for anyone in family?
19 Have you experienced any mental shock or bereavement in your life which you always think about?
20 What kind of food do you crave for?
21 In food, is there any specific aversion ?
22 Is there any food which your body cannot stand? Sea foods, Milk based etc.
23 Do you take food in the cold state or like taking in very hot state?
24 Do you have sound sleep? Describe your sleeping posture.
25 Do you have excessive, normal or negligible sensation for hunger?
26 How is your appetite?
27 Do you have a good digestive system and bowel movements? If not, please detail.
28 Which kind of external stimuli you are most sensitive to? ( Example : Harsh Light, Loud Sound, Strong Smell, Touch, Hot, Cold etc.)
29 Do you feel you have negligible, normal or excessive thirst sensation?
30 Do you have negligible, normal or excessive sweat?
31 Do you think you are able to, generally, satisfy your physical / sexual needs?
32 Describe any irregularity in your periods eg. early, late, scanty, exessive, colour etc. (For women)
33 Put down anything from your side which you think may or maynot have relevance to your problem.
rishimba last decade

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