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To antidote 1M Causticum
Hello, how do I antidote 1M Causticum?I took a few doses of 30 C nux vomica. A couple days later, I took one dose of 30 C coffea. I don’t think either was strong enough to do anything.
I’ve also read that a lower dose of a remedy will antidote a higher dose of the same remedy. For example, if I take 30 C Causticum then it antidotes 1M Causticum… Is that true??? Please let me know.
Also, please let me know how to antidote Causticum 1M. Thank you.
Bamp on 2022-03-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thank you for your response. I cannot tolerate coffee aside from Coffea, which I think gave me a headache. Is there another way? Thank you.
Bamp 3 years ago
Why bother with antidoting
When did you take Causticum 1 M
How many doses ?
Post your present symptoms if u take care of those how does it matter whether Causticum is responsible or something else is fit
When did you take Causticum 1 M
How many doses ?
Post your present symptoms if u take care of those how does it matter whether Causticum is responsible or something else is fit
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
I took one dose on February 18 for multiple sclerosis. It was way too strong. I should’ve taken 200 CK. My symptoms are that my MS symptoms are more aggravated than they should be. More vibration and tingling, getting very tired, feeling like I’m about to get dizzy, trouble looking at the screen, sometimes stabbing pains.
Bamp 3 years ago
Explain tingling where all is it when is it more when less
Pains same questions
Have the symptoms which got aggravated fret Caust 1 M changed improved or are still the same
Post all the other symptoms hunger thirst sleep any other medical issue
Pains same questions
Have the symptoms which got aggravated fret Caust 1 M changed improved or are still the same
Post all the other symptoms hunger thirst sleep any other medical issue
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
Tingling in my legs, my lower back, a little bit in my hands. Feels like the nerves in my head are more inflamed, more tired than usual, tingle more when tired, tinnitus aggravated, eyes get tired/feel pressure from looking at screen too much. Jaw spasm once in a while. Sometimes stabbing pain in armpits. Some anal spasms but not painful. My feet get cold sometimes if I’m tired or hungry. Hunger and thirst okay. I sleep enough, but tend to be more tired and want to sleep during the day, and more awake at night when I should be sleeping. But the sleep issue isn’t because of the Causticum. I always had that. Basically, the Causticum aggravated my symptoms too much because I took too strong of a dose.
Thank you for your help.
[Edited by Bamp on 2022-03-07 06:28:52]
Thank you for your help.
[Edited by Bamp on 2022-03-07 06:28:52]
Bamp 3 years ago
Whosoever prescribed Caust took this symptoms of sleepy during day and sleeplessness during night which is a Caust symptom
Argentum Niticum 200 2-3 drops thrice a day for a week
Five Phos 04 tabs thrice a day
Arg Nit is capable repairing nerve sheaths which is the main cause of MS
Five Phos is a nerve tonic
Post symptoms as and when you feel change
Argentum Niticum 200 2-3 drops thrice a day for a week
Five Phos 04 tabs thrice a day
Arg Nit is capable repairing nerve sheaths which is the main cause of MS
Five Phos is a nerve tonic
Post symptoms as and when you feel change
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
So this doesn’t antidote the Causticum? Because that’s what I need to do. Also, I had read it’s not good to take phosphorus before or after Causticum, and you’re giving me phosphorus.
I know Nux Vomica is an antidote. So how much/what potency Nux vom do I need to take to antidote the 1M Causticum?
Thank you.
[Edited by Bamp on 2022-03-07 14:37:04]
I know Nux Vomica is an antidote. So how much/what potency Nux vom do I need to take to antidote the 1M Causticum?
Thank you.
[Edited by Bamp on 2022-03-07 14:37:04]
Bamp 3 years ago
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
What about potency for Coffea or other antidotes? I’ve noticed people usually say 200 CK.
And can’t take phosphorus after Causticum. I Homeopaths should know that.
I guess I’m on my own unless anyone wants to give me proper information.
[Edited by Bamp on 2022-03-07 14:36:50]
And can’t take phosphorus after Causticum. I Homeopaths should know that.
I guess I’m on my own unless anyone wants to give me proper information.
[Edited by Bamp on 2022-03-07 14:36:50]
Bamp 3 years ago
There are two schools of thought
Nash says there is nothing called as imnicals
Who told you to take Causticum 1M
Ask him the antidote too
Nash says there is nothing called as imnicals
Who told you to take Causticum 1M
Ask him the antidote too
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
Took it myself. Of course there are remedies that are inimical to Causticum, and phosphorus is one of those inimical remedies.
Could someone please help me? I just need to know how much of the antidote to take. I know antidotes include nux vomica and coffea. How much and what potency would I take? Thank you
[Edited by Bamp on 2022-03-08 01:47:20]
Could someone please help me? I just need to know how much of the antidote to take. I know antidotes include nux vomica and coffea. How much and what potency would I take? Thank you
[Edited by Bamp on 2022-03-08 01:47:20]
Bamp 3 years ago
You take Causticum 6CH
200 potency of Nux or coffea shud be enough
Those aggravation due to Caust shud have come down by now
You can also try Aloe S 200 it takes care of the ill effects of the remedies
200 potency of Nux or coffea shud be enough
Those aggravation due to Caust shud have come down by now
You can also try Aloe S 200 it takes care of the ill effects of the remedies
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
I have 30c Causticum, 30c Nux Vomica. 30c Coffea, and 200 ck plumbum. Would 30c enough? If so, how many doses?
The 200ck plumbum might do the trick. How many doses?
The 200ck plumbum might do the trick. How many doses?
Bamp 3 years ago
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
On and off for several years. I don’t know if it would do the trick or not. That’s why I’m asking. If 30 c any of those remedies (causticum, Nux v, Coffea) is enough, then please let me know how many doses over how many days. If 200 c Plumbum is enough, then please let me know how many doses over how many days. Thank you.
Bamp 3 years ago
Thank you. I have pellets not drops.
Shoot, I should’ve mentioned the coffea gave me a headache. So I guess I can do the same with Nux Vomica?
Shoot, I should’ve mentioned the coffea gave me a headache. So I guess I can do the same with Nux Vomica?
Bamp 3 years ago
Yes, I’ve been researching, but I’m not a homeopath or an expert. That’s why I’m asking here. I welcome and appreciate the help. Maybe I will try taking several doses of the nux vomica. Thank you.
Bamp 3 years ago
i have causticum 1m side effects too. i took causticum 1m 1 year before several times just to remove warts on my neck. from 1 year i didn't take it. but still iam fcing right eye and right face slight paralysis. my left eye is ok but my right eye has blurred vision. now its difficult to express from right face. please help.
♡ Aryans Sen 3 years ago
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