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Extremely swollen tonsils after mononucleosis

My 3 years old son had pneumonia in the beginning of
November. He was cured with Amoxicyclin and Sulbatamol
Inhalations and Nisivin in the nose. Two weeks after he recovered from pneumonia, his lymph nodes on the neck from the ears and on the sides were swollen and especially one on the right side plus sore throat, but not swollen and and blocked nose.His pediatrician examined him and concluded that he got a light cold, although he wasn’t attending kindergarten. She prescribed Nurofen and inhalation with salt solution.
This symptoms continued for around 10 days. Then the nose was free, only the throat was red and the biggest lymph node was still swollen. On the third examination by the pediatrician always with the same symptoms she made blood test. The test showed that my son had had Mononucleosis infection. She also send us to ENT because of his large tonsils. ENT checked his ears and hearing test and diagnosed him with enlarged tonsils and adenoids and otitis media, and prescribed Cortison spray for the nose for 4 weeks (he was snoaring and breathing heavily at nights). The first few weeks my son felt better. But then he caught another cold (from Kindergraden) his tonsils grew and became really enormous. I notice also that he often suffers from blocked nose and starts colds with blocked nose. In summary after he went back to kindergarden after pneumonia and mononucleosis, he goes three days and then is either 4 or 10’days at home with a cold. The cold starts with blocked nose for days, then red sore throat and i have the feeling that his tonsils enlarge after each cold.
Now, two months after mononucleosis, his tonsils are really large. There is almost no space between them and the ovula seems to be longer. At the moment he just went through the next cold which was this time with runny nose (white yellowish secretion, red and swollen tonsils and otitis in both ears). And that for 10’days. He breaths loudly and through his mouth. When he breaths through his nose, sounds like when one blows through a tube. Pediatrician said that there is nothing to be done for his tonsils (except operation) and that the ears are not so bad and still not
Painful. At the moment he still has runny nose (slightly better than the beginning and swollen tonsils with red arcs. I fear what will happen when he catch the next cold from kindergarden:(.
ENT wants to remove his tonsils and adenoids, but I still believe that his tonsils would get smaller and at least that there is an alternative cure. Is there an appropriate homeopathy for his state? Constitutional he may be Carbonica Calcarea…. He is at the moment very dependent on our moods. He is very naughty and makes things that are not allowed at home.
Sorry for the long letter but I think that his complaints are related to this mononucleosis.
I would be grateful if you can tell me whether homeopathy could recover and take him out from this awful circle.
Best regards
[Edited by poloko on 2022-03-06 20:49:44]
  poloko on 2022-03-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try Hydrastis Canadensis 200 single dose half an hour before breakfast
Belladonna 200 single dose half an hour before lunch
Also get Rhus Tox 200
Post symptoms in the evening
Kaps 3 years ago
Should I give both (Hydrastis and Belladona) in one day?
Is Rhus Tox in case of post symptoms or should I give jt in any case? What would the post symptoms be?
Potency in C, right?
poloko 3 years ago
Yes give them both in one day only for one day that is single dose of each
Yes potency in CH
Rhus Tox not to be given as yet
Kaps 3 years ago
So Rhus Tox is in case of post symptoms?
is there a prophylaxy for him to keep him healthy?
poloko 3 years ago
Let him get better first we ll look for prophylactic later
Kaps 3 years ago
And are you a doctor or practitioner?
poloko 3 years ago
I am a Mechanical Engineer
Kaps 3 years ago

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