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Boiron 33 Remedy Homeopathy Family Kit: Professional Constitutional Kit #2: First Aid Kit:


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Cantharis-not sure to keep. Taking day 3

Please help anyone that might know this !??
. I've been dealing with urinary retention and urethra pain/ burn. I do not have an infection. Especially worse through the night time hours when I'm trying to sleep I was getting up every hour.
I started taking cantharis 30 c. I took it the first day about 10 pellets spaced out. The next day and through that night I felt better I didn't get up as much maybe every two hours. But it did not help my urinary retention fully but it did help me be able to empty out a little bit better. So all in all I would say it helped maybe 45 to 50%. The second day I only took about four pellets. I did not see any difference from all the benefits from the first night nothing changed the second night. I'm not sure today is day three and I don't know if I should take anymore or switch to something else.
It felt better after that first day of taking all the pellets the second day I only took four I didn't feel really any different do I keep taking and how much should I take. Or do you think I should switch to a different one that maybe would be better for I can't get the full emptying of the bladder. But it did help that me getting up not as much at night while I'm trying to sleep which is very good. But it's still I'm getting up but the medicine help me sleep a little bit longer in between me getting up.

Any advice you could give me I would so appreciate it !
  anetty1956gmail.com on 2022-03-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Your age
You have taken a wrong remedy for whatever symptoms you have mentioned
Mention your complete symptoms
Did you have UTI in the past ? When
Kaps 3 years ago

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