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Tuberculinum: $6.59Professional Constitutional Kit #1: $180.00


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Bacillinum vs tuberculinum, JustSayin2, what is your opinion sir?

Tuberculinum - caution needed when eliminative organs, skin, intestines or heart dont function properly.

My question is : does the same principle applies to bacillinum?

Thank you.
[Edited by Dusty1 on 2023-09-08 06:15:53]
  Dusty1 on 2023-09-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sharing few points about Bacillinum for your reference:
- Bacillinum is most useful nosode because of their wide range of applicability under modern conditions but care has to be taken in their use when patient suffers from secondary bacterial infection with fever or where KIDNEY or HEART is damaged.
- Should not be used below 30c potency and not used to frequently. One dose a week often sufficient to bring about reaction. It is rapid in action, and good results ought to be seen, otherwise there is no need for repetition.

Bacillinum and Tuberculinum:
- Either of these two remedies will cure repeated attacks of tonsillitis and cervical adenitis. They will also cure adenoid, nasal polypus, frequent cold and chronic sinusitis, generally in 200c potency.
- Bacillinum, is imbecile, indolent or sluggish, Tuberculinum is active and restless. The sycotic element dominates in Bacillinum, and syphilitic in Tuberculinum.
- Hot and nervy patients points to Tuberculinum, while chilly patient with respiratory troubles as concomitant points to Bacillinum.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2023-09-10 06:03:44]
JustSayin2 8 months ago
Thank you sir, so I am more chilly and have also many skin symptoms (like pytirias and other rashes) so bacillinum will be more indicated. The problem is that my lymphatic system is not working properly, and when I took tuberculinum 200 my neck lymphatic glands where inflamated and did hurt bad.
What is working on my neck glands and see improvement is after Calcarea Carb 200 or psorinum 200 but both wont last, they improve like for 2-3 doses and after that they stop functioning.

I have read that pytirias was cured with bacillinum, thats why Im asking.

I have history from my father and my mother side (grandparents) of alcoholism, so I guess thats why my case is so complicated, psora, sycosis, syph.
Dusty1 8 months ago

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