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pigment, mole, Huom! Anuj Srivastava Page 5 of 5

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anuj srivastava last month
The man has taken Apis 30 C twice.
Today he has been stressed. Excitement, coughing.
The man is afraid that he will get atrial fibrillation. Its been over a year since he had a flicker (atrial fibrillation).
When the symptoms appear, the man is nervous and coughs. Short coughs.
Taryu last month
Main remedy for atrial fibrillation.ARS ALB

Give in 30 potency three times a day and a feedback.

Lachesis should also take care of his coughing issue associated with palpitation and heart issue..
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-09-04 09:42:47]
anuj srivastava last month
The man took Ars Alb as directed. The man said that he felt calmer and the flicker did not come.
But the mans cough continues. It usually starts in the evenings. The voice is hoarse. When a man sits down in the evening, the cough starts. When a man coughs, he gets nervous. The cough is dry.
The man does not have a cough during work.
Warmth makes the cough worse.
The man has taken Lashesis once today. It calmed the mind, the irritation decreased.

I felt the pulse of the mans heart when he coughed. I felt no change in his pulse.

A mans cyst is not painful. The size of the cyst has remained the same.

The man has not yet had surgery for an inguinal hernia. The inguinal hernia has also been asymptomatic
Taryu last month
Start Digitalis 30 three times a day.Stop all remedies except cell salts.
anuj srivastava last month
Thank you. The man started Digitals. The man asked if he takes Calc Fluor 6x and Mag Phos 6x?
Taryu last month
Yes he can take.
anuj srivastava last month

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