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pudendal nerve neuralgia pain
I need your help please ..Im desperate about pudendal nerve pain. I come from Germany and am 41 years old, slim,dark hair, brown eyes.
I had a bladder infection with bacteria 3 weeks ago. It was treated with antibiotics and the bacteria were gone. But I suspect my pudendal nerve is badly inflamed again as a result. I have a long history of bladder infections since I was a child, very painful menstruation(5-7 days long, lots of blood), lots of back pain/neck pain, constant migraines, muscle weakness.
Over the years, the diagnosis of interstitial cystitis and pudendal nerve neuralgia came. It got so bad that I just cried because of the pain and couldnt sleep. I changed my diet 4 years ago. It took 3 years before I was able to live normally again. But sex was never possible without pain.
Three weeks ago after sex I developed a bladder infection with severe pain. The pain didnt go away after the bacteria died and continues to this day. - every morning between 7 a.m. and 1 p.m. burning pain due to digestion I suspect in the urethra. Air in my stomach tears me apart and puts such pressure on the urethra that it burns unbearably and the urge to urinate is brutal.
It burns until just before I urinate, it stops briefly. In the end, the last drops lead to a very painful urethral sphincter spasm, so painful. Then the pain subsides for a few seconds, then the burning comes back. Often its so bad that I have to sit on the toilet because the urethra (sphincter) is so cramping and the pain is unbearable. Even though only a drop comes out of the urethra. Its really brutal and I break out in a sweat from the pain with ice-cold feet I can often just sit on the toilet until the painkiller takes effect.
The sphincter often cramps every 3 minutes without urine. After a long while or the painkiller, strangely enough, its over and I have peace and quiet until the next morning!
- Unbearable feeling of cold almost all day, especially the feet feel like ice, but the whole body is almost always shaking, when its not shaking it sweats with hot flashes.
-Daily back and neck pain
-Arms and legs very weak, always like sore muscles,restless legs
-With every bit of air in the stomach, the urge to urinate gets worse and often unbearable with burning pain (usually just the urethra or genitals), so the air would get to the inflamed nerve and trigger it.
-Everything gets worse when its cold, before the full moon, during my period, when you ovulate.
-Constant migraines with nausea and neck pain, boring headaches.
-Irritable bowel syndrome
-Lactose intolerance
-I find the pain unbearable
-very sensitive -
I dont want to be touched when Im in pain
-Im now afraid of doctors and getting even more sick
-I am very motivated but at the same time I am often hopelessly desperate that I will never get well.
- unbearable menstrual contractions that radiate into the thighs and the back. Come in waves and with nausea or bloating, bloated stomach. Maybe endometriosis!
-left breast often hurts
-Blood values/lab values all great and no abnormalities, doctor says Im healthy!
-I can no longer concentrate, I forget words when speaking or how they are spelled.
-I am often anxious/scattered
-I am very conscientious and perfectionist, very vain and everything always has to be done and done correctly.
-On the other hand, I quickly become overwhelmed by my high expectations of myself, since my health is not functioning properly.
- alternating diarrhea and constipation, also depending on the cycle (constipation during ovulation) During the pain phases I can neither sit, stand, lie down nor walk! It hurts incredibly, especially when I feel air in my lower abdomen and then the pain shoots into the urethra. Sometimes better after a bowel movement, but often worse for a while afterwards !
I would be so grateful if you could advise me something against these attacks of pain that I can hardly bear. This time I dont believe in IC alone, because the pain only comes once a day due to bowel movements or air in the stomach (I suspect) but it is severe and unbearable. It sometimes lasts up to 4 hours!
The urethral sphincter spasms often so much of it. I read about Arnica here (I think that would suit me well), but also Hypericum. But I dont know much about the potencies. I had tried many globules against interstitial cystitis back then (Thuja, Sarsaparilla, Silicea, Dulcamara, Equisetum Hiemale, Acidum Nitricum, Capsicum, Pareira Brava, Lycopodium, Streptococcinum, Medorrhinum, Cantharis, Staphisagria, Cedron, Arenaa diadema, Nervus Pudendus (Nosode) ) -Unfortunately I cant say whether this helped I didnt have a good advisor and only had globules up to potencies C30.
IC also causes pain, but not the painful spasticity in the urethral sphincter that is compulsive. (I think)
I would be so grateful for help! Kind regards from the bottom of my heart
[Edited by Jugiene on 2023-12-01 09:45:36]
Jugiene on 2023-12-01
Menopause: yes/no. If yes, age when menses stopped. Any complaints/symptoms associated with it.
Date of Last Menstrual Period?
Menses : (Regular / Irregular /Early /Late /Painful Non
Duration of cycle: (After how many days you get your periods.)
Duration of flow: (For how many days the Bleeding remains).
Character of flow :
(Thin/Fresh/Clotted/ Intermittent/ Dark/ Bright Red/ Black/ Stringy / Irritating )
Amount of flow : Scanty/Less / More /Profuse
Odour : Offensive/ Strong Smelly/ Normal
If Painful Menses: (location and character, Is it Continuous or Spasmodic?) Breast pain or hardness of the breast.
When does it start, any relation of pain with flow of blood. How does the pain Increases or Decreases?
Any other symptom associated (e.g. Headache, Backache, Vomiting, Vertigo, and Faintness etc.
Vaginal Itching).
Leucorrhoea / Watery Discharge: (Thin / Thick/ Stringy; Scanty / Moderate / Profuse; Irritating / Burning /Bland; Color – White/ Transparent / Milky/ Yellow/ Bloody etc. Smell – Offensive / Non Offensive; Staining / Non Staining.
Intermenstrual Bleeding : (Yes / No)
Any PMT: (Pre Menstrual tension)? Do you have any complaints associated with, before, or after menses? e.g. Moods Swing , Headache, irritability Anger Weeping Depression Diarrhea or Constipation
Any change in your skin around menses?
Ziomih last year
I have been menstruating since I was 12, I usually have a 29 day cycle, only every 3 months sometimes a 27 day cycle.
The first day begins with strong contraction-like cramps that I can hardly stand and that also pull into my thighs/legs. Neck pain and back pain, feeling hot.
The bleeding is initially bright red and a bit mucous, over the next few days it becomes dark and often lumpy. I usually have my period for 7 days and have a lot of neck pain and abdominal pain, I can hardly sit. On the fourth day I often have migraines. My menstruation has always been regular so far. Whenever the cramps get worse, I bleed more, its like having contractions. But its always the worst on the first day before the bleeding starts.
Im currently on day 4 of my period. But this time (after the cystitis and antibiotics) I got it on day 25. Thats unusual for me and too early. Im not bleeding as much as usual either. Yesterday On the 3rd day I almost didnt bleed at all (otherwise its the day I bleed the most) but yesterday I felt very bad, a lot of pain in the back/neck, the pudendal nerve pain in the urethra was very bad and I had a migraine! I needed 2 painkillers. I usually have a bad mood for a day before my period and my nose is very sensitive (I smell a lot more than usual). I also often feel dizzy with nausea (but no vomiting). I often have no appetite and belching of air from the stomach. I never have breakthrough bleeding.
But a strange feeling of pressure in the left breast, especially when I lift my left arm, not very painful but uncomfortable. I have clear discharge shortly before my period (no smell) When I ovulate, my health is usually bad, all symptoms worsen, especially interstitial cystitis or pudendal nerve neuralgia. My skin often gets 2-3 pimples on my face on my forehead during ovulation and menstruation (not very noticeable). During ovulation there is constipation and during menstruation often diarrhea shortly before or at the beginning. I really hope it was enough information. I really hope you can help me about the pudendal nerve pain.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your time and effort.
Jugiene last year
Were USG abdomen, urinalysis, Potassium sensitivity tests etc taken earlier? Share details if any?
Are main symptoms accompanied by less acute symptoms?
Are you aware of any obvious cause of the symptoms?
Do your symptoms get better or worse under certain conditions?
Describe nature of urine stream(drop by drop/split/interrupted/vertical flow/strong)?
Quantity of urine (profuse/scanty)?
Describe odor and color of urine?
How is your thirst?
Do you discharge flatus during urination?
Do you experience bed-wetting?
Where do you sweat during pain?
What do you feel during urination?
Does urethral pain appears at the close of urination/after urination? Nature of pain(sharp/tearing/bitting/pressing etc)? Any sensation?
Any feeling of urine remaining behind after urination?
[Edited by Ziomih on 2023-12-01 13:08:34]
Ziomih last year
It starts with ice-cold feet and a burning sensation in the urethra, but its hard to tell because everything down there burns and hurts when it starts.
It then gets worse and worse, often it stabs the urethra like lightning.
Then comes this unbearable urge to urinate. It burns the whole time until I cant stand it anymore because of the pain and I have to go to the toilet. (This is like Interstitial Cystitis used to be)
Then a lot of urine comes out and flows strongly, mostly clear and it only hurts when urinating at the end, the last drops hurt really badly, then the urethra sphincter contracts and cramps with a lot of pain.
Then the pain stops for a few seconds and the burning starts again. Often so bad that I can only sit on the toilet and wait until the urethral sphincter spasms painfully again. This happens so often until the bladder is completely empty and then I come just a drop or nothing at all, but the sphincter still cramps a few times. (due to flatulence I suspect)
I notice it always happens when there is air in the stomach/intestine! Then I have to burp more often. Its as if there is air down in the stomach, it presses on the urethra and causes this terrible pain and the unbearable urge to urinate.
If the air goes somewhere else it gets better for a short timeBut the air often stays for hours. When I walk around, for example, I notice my stomach working and whenever the air goes down it hurts like lightning!
But only these 3-4 hours a day (not always the same time), the rest of the day it doesnt hurt, not even when theres flatulence, I dont understand that. The doctor doesnt understand that either. I think the doctor wont take me serious because it always goes away.
All of my laboratory blood values are very good.
I always have the feeling that the pudendal nerve is inflamed and when the intestines work, it gets affected. I had the same thing a few years ago, it took a long time to heal, over 2 years, then it went away.
Now with the bladder infection after sex its back. Sitting on a donut cushion takes pressure off the pudendal nerve. I often have the feeling that the air stays around the urethra and irritates it. Its often a cutting feeling or a nerve pain.
When it calms down again, its fine again.Maybe Since antibiotics destroy the good intestinal bacteria and the intestine now has a harder time working,
Its worse ,when the urethra cramps like that, I often break out in sweats on my body with ice-cold shivers in my neck from the pain and still have ice-cold, often wet feet.
I just want to cry because it hurts so much. In the past it was often the case that I couldnt urinate straight away and often had to wait until the urine came out. Even pushing a lot often didnt help, but that didnt hurt in the end. Ive never had bed-wetting. Im always susceptible to cold, Im always very cold, even when I sweat, Im cold.
Im not particularly thirsty, just for salty things! I also constantly crave salty things. Often I dont dare to urinate until the end because I know it will hurt so much at the end, but of course thats not possible and it still hurts in the end, the bladder never feels empty or full again!
Jugiene last year
Jugiene last year
-I constantly have itching in my ear with no sign of anything.
-Chapped lips as if dried out
-My right toe had nail surgery, but it doesnt heal and itches every day, as if it were constantly inflamed.
I have previously had the remedies Thuja and Silicea, which suited my character and symptoms very well, both in C30 from the alternative practitioner. But I didnt feel like it helped much, maybe I didnt use Thuja correctly? Maybe the information helps a little.
Ive read through Arnica and it would go well with many of my symptoms.
Jugiene last year
You need to elaborate about your ear itchiness/sweating(location,aggravation/amelioration)?
Are there any co-relation between surgery and your main complaints?
Any Fears or Phobias?
How is your temperament?
Are you hypochondriac?
What is the effect of consolation on you ?
What do you think about your disease?
Please mention any thing else pertaining to you and your problem which you feel has not been asked and is persistent and unusual, Do mention strange feeling if any.
[Edited by Ziomih on 2023-12-01 18:09:50]
Ziomih last year
But my main symptoms that I have now come from a bladder infection after sex 3 weeks ago. It all started there again. But 3 different doctors said there are no bacteria left so they suspect its Pudendal Neuralgia or Interstitial Cystitis again because Ive had that before, or both at the same time.
My ears usually itch in the evening or morning, as if they were too dry. I think it only happens in the house, not outside. My doctor says it might be streptococcal, but he doesnt treat it because there is no visible inflammation and I dont like to take antibiotics that much often.
When Im in pain, Im usually afraid of serious illnesses, or that I´ll never be able to get rid of the pain I have now. I wouldnt say Im a hypochondriac, I just try to get through the pain, but Im very sensitive . Maybe because I just have so much nerve pain and I constantly feel like everything that has to do with nerves hurts, but I always cover it up to stay calm and make the best of it.
I dont want anyone to be around me when Im in pain, I deal with it myself. I cant have noises or talk a lot. I just want to be alone and everything annoys me.
I cant really accept consolation because I often think that the person doesnt actually understand the pain Im in. Im very perfectionist and very conscientious, very tidy. Im also very much for justice. Im actually happy about life, but when I have a lot of pain over many days I quickly despair and become afraid that it will never stop or that it will be something bad and the doctor missed something because the pain is there.
But its really only like that when Im really in pain like now, when I dont know how to fix it so that it gets better. I always need a plan for hope that it will get better. Otherwise I dont really have any fears. Just normal fears that something will happen to my husband or my dogs or that they could die/get sick. I also have a fear of heights.
When Im not in pain, Im very sociable and balanced, I like to be out and Im a very open person, but Im also very sensitive. I like to look good, wear nice clothes and like to make myself look pretty. Nevertheless, I dont have a lot of self-confidence and I get very hurt when someone criticizes me or looks at me funny.
I always think straight away that Ive made a mistake or that its my fault when someone isnt nice. I always try to be very friendly, because thats important to me, but if others arent, I think its my fault that Im the problem. Still, I have my own opinion.
I like to drink alcohol, wine or cocktails, but it always gives me migraines. I prefer salty things to sweet things. I cant tolerate dairy products. As a baby I had a pyloric cramp (3 weeks old) because I couldnt tolerate any food/milk and had to have emergency surgery, which still left me with a large scar on my stomach. Otherwise I cant think of anything. I had Pfeiffers glandular fever 17 years ago, which didnt get better for months and kept coming back chronically. But only for a short time and then it went away again. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your effort and time
Jugiene last year
Jugiene last year
2. Boerhaavia diffusa mother tincture 5 drops with some water twice daily.
Avoid coffee. Keep me informed of any developments.
[Edited by Ziomih on 2023-12-02 06:53:09]
Ziomih last year
I dont drink coffee anyway.Thank you so much for your effort and time. From the bottom of my heart
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Jugiene last year
[Edited by Jugiene on 2023-12-02 10:18:43]
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Jugiene last year
Jugiene last year
Jugiene saidThe Belladonna C200 globules were the only ones I can get today. I can pick them up in 5 hours. Unfortunately today is Saturday.â Please tick why you are reporting this post:Duplicate postArgumentative / Attack on another memberContains explicit or inappropriate contentPrescriber requesting offline contactPost is trying to sell somethingPosted under a false (duplicate) user name.Off topic for this thread. Report Post â¡+Endorsing posts shows your approval of this forum member and this particular post. Click the red button to endorse.Endorse Post
Drop a single globule into a cup of water (100 ml), give it gentle stir and dissolve the pellet completely and take one teaspoon only, one teaspoon constitutes a single dose. Discard remaining water.
Ziomih last year
Jugiene saidThats the only thing I can find for Germany.
This should work. Take 1 teaspoon of Boerhaavia diffusa powder with some water twice daily.
Ziomih last year
Jugiene last year
Yesterday I didnt feel well in the evening either. But I was able to sleep much longer than the previous days. I also dreamed a lot. From the past, from the death sentence...but I cant remember it well now.
Now Ill see how the day turns out.
Thank you so much for your help and patience with me
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Jugiene last year
I found out something important. I was in a forum for pudendal nerve neuralgia, where I found countless people who had exactly the same complaints as me.
That could have been me what they are describing! They said the pain always comes half an hour after a bowel movement, thats true. I never thought about it.
They say its because the nerve is inflamed and the stool irritates it again, which is why you have this pain for many hours afterwards. Until the nerve calms down again. Every day anew. Then new air comes into the intestines, which hurts does.
Thats 100% me. And I was given antibiotics, which damaged the intestines I guess, thats why its so bad now.
I tried Simeticon yesterday because it hurt so much. It helped! It was the first thing that really helped with this bad pain in 3 weeks.
It was such a relief. But that only relieves the symptom, not the problem of the nerve being damaged.
I now notice, even if I dont have this bad pain, that everything still feels raw. Especially when I go up stairs, I have the feeling that something is falling out at the bottom.
At the end of urinating it is still painful, but not as bad as before.
I dont know exactly whether Belladonna helped. I thought so, but on the first day in the afternoon it got bad again.
Today I had to take Simeticon for the pain.
Can I take Belladonna again? Or do I perhaps need another remedy now?
It still takes a few days for Boerhaavia to get here from England.
It might not have been good to take simeticon because of the Belladonna the day before, but I need something for the pain, sometimes its unbearable.
Kind regards from the bottom of my heart. Thank you
Jugiene last year
Ziomih last year
At night I slept better but dreamed a lot (about the past and about disappointment)
I was able to sleep for a very long time and was rested.
In the afternoon it got bad again after bowel movements and because of the air.
Mentally Im ok right now. I dont have any bad pain and that just calms me down because I dont feel any air in my stomach. After the Simeticon tablet the air was gone and the pain was gone.
But I was afraid that it would influence the effect of Belladonna. I also read today that peppermint and thyme influence the effect. I drink a lot of thyme tea a day. I have mouthwash with peppermint. Should I stop taking it?
I never drink coffee or black tea.
Jugiene last year
Ziomih last year
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