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Swollen cracking lips

Respected doctors,

I am having this wierd lips swelling and cracking issue from past three months, when they swell and crack sticky water substance comes and forms a layer, when I talk or open mouth after they crack even further.
I have visited allopath and homeopaths, allopath gave B complex tablets saying it could be because of heat but nothing else, I dont live in hot weather for excess heat. Homeopath has given Graphities 30, 1M and Sulphur 30, the swelling and cracking reduces when I take them but comes back next day.

I am a 47 year male, 5.6 height, 80 kg weight, likes cold weather.

Kindly help.

Thanks in advance.

  mohany2576 on 2023-12-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Can you post a picture?
Ziomih last year
Thanks for your quick response. I have attached the picture, I am repeating mentioned medicine to keep swelling in control.
[Edited by mohany2576 on 2023-12-22 12:07:41]

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mohany2576 last year
What are your most obvious physical symptoms?

Are main symptoms accompanied by less acute symptoms?

What are the characteristics of your symptoms?

Are you aware of any obvious cause of the symptoms?

Do your symptoms get better or worse under certain conditions?
Ziomih last year
Do not take those medicines. They seem to be palliative and a cure may not be achieved. Additionally the photo of your lips is unclear. Capture another image with your mouth open and re-post.
Ziomih last year
When lips swell it feels like squeezing, other than that there are no symptoms. During this three months I had taken D vitamin tablet for back muscle ache,once.
mohany2576 last year
Please find attached picture with mouth open.

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mohany2576 last year
Bryonia 30c , gl-3, BD. Keep updating. Avoid coffee.
Ziomih last year
Thanks doctor, I understand it as Bryonia 30 in globules, 3 times a day before food , is it correct!
mohany2576 last year
3 globules twice daily, 1 hr before food.
Ziomih last year
Good day Doctor, after four doses of Brayonia 30, further swelling is stopped, lips dryness and cracks in the corners of lips exists. I felt cold running nose and
sneezing on the first day. Keeping you updated.
Edit: body aches, pains around lower back ribs.
[Edited by mohany2576 on 2023-12-24 13:11:15]
mohany2576 last year
This is a good sign. Stop dosing and keep observing.
Ziomih last year
Good day Doctor, swelling and cracking is reduced, but lips are dry like a patchy layer.

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mohany2576 last year
No further dosing is required at this stage. Continue observing and provide regular feedback.
Ziomih last year
Hello doctor, my lips started cracking and swelling a little from yesterday.
mohany2576 last year
Repeat Bryonia 30. Single dose.

Dosing guideline: Collect a 250 ml water bottle. Remove half of the water. Then add 3 globules of the medicine into the bottle. Securely close the cap and set it aside. Let the globules dissolve completely. Afterward, firmly tap the bottle on your palm 10 times and consume 1 teaspoon. One teaspoon constitutes one dose.
[Edited by Ziomih on 2024-01-07 13:47:39]
Ziomih last year
Ok doctor. I will take the medicine according to your instructions and update you on the improvement. Thank you so much for your quick response.
mohany2576 last year

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