The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Reflux in a 6 week old
hello,we are looking into giving our baby Nat Phos 6x.
we do all the reflux things (keep him up straight while feeding, hold him up for 30 mins after a feeding, burp him frequently, slow flow nipples, smaller feeds more consistently) we went to a GI doctor and they gave us Famotide and i was too scared to give it to him but decided to start with one dose today. his reflux is really bad. when he was 3wks old he started declining in weight and couldn’t keep any food down. we switched to elecare formula as per a doctor recommendation and his reflux is still really bad. we’ve tried baby rice and baby oatmeal but we stopped using it since it seemed to not help and just constipated him. i decided to finally give him .5ml of Famotide today since he has only ate twice. he won’t stop crying through his feeding and earlier today after one feeding, he spit up what seemed like yellow bile. every time he has reflux, he arches his back, chokes up and coughs. he went from spitting up all of his formula at the beginning to now just having clear liquid come up. he gets so congested afterwards and no matter how long we hold him up for, he immediately wakes up as soon as we lay him down to sleep. he also coughs in his sleep sometimes from the congestion. i’ve been doing some research and want to give him Nat Phos 6x since it seems to be the only thing i’ve seen that’s helped most babies 100% of the time. every doctor we see just says he’ll outgrow it and it’s ok but his reflux is bad and he won’t calm down sometimes. has anyone tried Nat Phos 6x? what dosage should i start with? is it safe to have him take it? how long should he take it for? please i’m desperate to help him
ccm30515 on 2023-12-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2023-12-31 05:36:03]
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2023-12-31 05:36:03]
♡ anuj srivastava last year
how should i give him the tablets? do i mix it in formula? should i dissolve it first with a little bit of water?
ccm30515 last year
also how long do i give him Nat Phos 6x for? what time in between do i have to wait between each dosage?
ccm30515 last year
how should i give him the tablets?POWDER IT AND GIVE WITH WATER
.also how long do i give him GIVE A FEEDBACK AFTER 2 DAYS THEN WILL DECIDE.
what time in between do i have to wait between each dosage?DIVIDE THE DAY IN THREE AS PER THE TIMING AND GIVE AS PER YOUR CONVENIENCE.
.also how long do i give him GIVE A FEEDBACK AFTER 2 DAYS THEN WILL DECIDE.
what time in between do i have to wait between each dosage?DIVIDE THE DAY IN THREE AS PER THE TIMING AND GIVE AS PER YOUR CONVENIENCE.
♡ anuj srivastava last year
Hi so the nat phos 6x came in pellets. it said 5 pellets at every use. we’ve been giving our baby this 3 times a day. he is now 3 months old and he seems to be doing way better. he hasn’t gotten reflux except once or twice within the last 3 days. how should i continue??
ccm30515 last year
Hi, he’s been constipate and his reflux seems to be acting up again. What can i give him that works for constipation and reflux??
ccm30515 10 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 10 months ago
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