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Urgent need My grandfather age 90 years have Frequent urination at Night and loss of control on urine
Hey Can any doctor help me. My grandfather is 90 years old. He has having Frequent urination at night and the frequency of urine is increased at night and he cant able to control his urination he lost control when he moved from his bed to bathroom the urine starts to leak and when he lay in bed during night when he turn to right side at sleep then he feels much pressure and desire for urine. After 6 am The frequency of urine become slow but increased At night.A homeopath prescribe him to take sabal pentarkan 75 :- 10 drop in cup of water to makecontrol in urine problem but It is not working well.
And He is also a patient of joint pain and back pain from a long time. When he is in sitting position he is unable to stand due to pain in joint and stiffness in joint and back due to lack of movement.He regularly take some allopathy medicine precribed by senior physician of Gangaram hospital. For other disease Like Pan 40 and thyronorm 50 after breakfast.
He generally take Rhus tox 200+ Belladona 200+ Aconite 200 :- 5 drops of each in morning in winter season. And sometimes Nux vomica 200 in night. Please Some one suggest me what to do.
R sewak on 2023-12-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Puls 30 single dose. Observe for 24 hrs. Avoid coffee.
Ziomih last year
Hey ziomih thanks for reply I am currently having Pulsatilla 200 with me can I give as alternative to that because at this time Pulsatilla 30 is not available. If yes please say. And please say how to take medicine directly in mouth or with some water?and how much drop of medicine
[Edited by R sewak on 2024-01-01 03:30:57]
[Edited by R sewak on 2024-01-01 03:30:57]
R sewak last year
Ziomih saidPuls 30 single dose. Observe for 24 hrs. Avoid coffee.â Please tick why you are reporting this post:Duplicate postArgumentative / Attack on another memberContains explicit or inappropriate contentPrescriber requesting offline contactPost is trying to sell somethingPosted under a false (duplicate) user name.Off topic for this thread. Report Post â¡+Endorsing posts shows your approval of this forum member and this particular post. Click the red button to endorse.Endorse Post
Hey Dr ziomih please reply me what to do it is urgent if possible to take Pulsatilla 200 then it is right but if not then I have to order Pulsatilla 30.what to do
[Edited by R sewak on 2024-01-01 10:08:25]
R sewak last year
Ziomih saidPuls 30 single dose. Observe for 24 hrs. Avoid coffee.â Please tick why you are reporting this post:Duplicate postArgumentative / Attack on another memberContains explicit or inappropriate contentPrescriber requesting offline contactPost is trying to sell somethingPosted under a false (duplicate) user name.Off topic for this thread. Report Post â¡+Endorsing posts shows your approval of this forum member and this particular post. Click the red button to endorse.Endorse Post
Hey ziomih kindly me please its urgent
R sewak last year
Ziomih said30 c. 3 globules directly under tongue.â Please tick why you are reporting this post:Duplicate postArgumentative / Attack on another memberContains explicit or inappropriate contentPrescriber requesting offline contactPost is trying to sell somethingPosted under a false (duplicate) user name.Off topic for this thread. Report Post â¡+Endorsing posts shows your approval of this forum member and this particular post. Click the red button to endorse.Endorse Post
I obeserve him that generally he is very honest person. He speaks the truth but sometimes very minor lie and If I counter him that he said lie then he deny to accept that he lied but it happens very less.
He wanted to work but due to lack of energy and strength and due to his age about 90.He wanted that everyone should follow his instruction and he want things in manner way.
If he helped someone He think that They should always speak in favour of him. They cannot oppose him or speak against in his wrong things. He belive that the next person whom he helped that become a well being human because of him that he shaped through his kindness and that there was no existence for that person before in society or in business . He repeatedly tell others that the person became human solely because of him.
Due to old age He develops some bad behaviour that spit a cough in room and anywhere and urinate in a dustbin in room if we tells him that it is wrong then he tells than he become angry on us and scould us. But we also understand that he has problem in his joint so he is unable to do anywork.
He has very curious and interest in business issues and news and things that he like. He talked about business and want to establish a business.
He dont want that the stranger should enter his room. He mistrust them thats why.
He is now unable to hear thing and repeat thatwhat you said what what.
He irritates if we intrupt in his daily routine and things.
He is not able to see things clearly due to black cataract and white cataract in eyes.
He wanted things in manner and he arrange his all things in manner way his medicine and ointments. He generally keeps his things in bed .
He sometimes talks while sleeping.
He has fear in dark and night of ghost when he goes to bathroom.
He regularly complains about his joint pain and stiffness and eyes vision decreased and hearing issues.
He thinks that no one can win from him in debate
He develop some manias
He says that he has pain some times in right side between shoulder and chest lower belly and back. Moving pain but when he apply oitnment then he gets some relief.
He is very tensed in matter of money and mistrust that his staff has stolen the money.
He is very tension about his family member and their health. He is very tensed and anxious when his sons and me arrives late to home.
I think that it is some proving of his previous medicine thats why he is having pain in his legs and back. Please prescribe a well medicine for his problem
He has lost control from urine
frequency of urine is increased at night and he cant able to control his urination he lost control when he moved from his bed to bathroom the urine starts to leak and when he lay in bed during night when he turn to right side at sleep then he feels much pressure and desire for urine.
He is also a patient of joint pain and back pain from a long time. When he is in sitting position he is unable to stand due to pain in joint and stiffness in joint and back due to lack of movement.He is very nervous in medical issue and about his health
R sewak last year
Ziomih said30 c. 3 globules directly under tongue.â Please tick why you are reporting this post:Duplicate postArgumentative / Attack on another memberContains explicit or inappropriate contentPrescriber requesting offline contactPost is trying to sell somethingPosted under a false (duplicate) user name.Off topic for this thread. Report Post â¡+Endorsing posts shows your approval of this forum member and this particular post. Click the red button to endorse.Endorse Post
Hey ziomih i had given puls 30 to him but it shows improvement for 2 days only. Now again he is having same frequent urination at night time. What to do now
R sewak last year
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