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Hyperthyroidism and Kidney Disease in Cats

Hello! My adult cat is suffering from hyperthyroidism and mild kidney disease. Shes around 10 years of age (adopted, exact age unknown) Calico-like, shorthair.

Main symptoms:
Weight loss, 2.3 kg at the moment (5 lbs), veracious appetite, hunger all the time, eating a lot, extreme thirst, constipation, sometimes nausea and vomiting, sparse and dry coat standing up (dehydration), apathy, anxiety, moodiness, very vocal all the time but rarely in bad pain.

She started showing elevated symptoms in November 2023 and I took her to the veterinarian. He wanted to put her on the pharma drugs but I refused.

Researched myself and started giving her Nat Mur 30c twice a day for a month as some articles suggested (Im new to homeopathy). Initially, she started vomiting and had diarrhea, relief of the symptoms after 2 days. She started feeling better, constipation is not as often as used to be (every day before). Her coat improved and she seems to be in less discomfort. But the symptoms come back in waves. She feels unwell, apathetic, and disturbed. Then a day or two later she is better but still not healthy.

Still drinks lots of water and is dehydrated. In discomfort.

She is still on Nat Mur 30c once a day.
Tried Thyroid Calming tincture - 4 herbs mixed: Bugleweed, Motherwort, Cactus Grandiflorus, Lemon Balm. Many claim it helps to balance the thyroid hormone. Its based on alcohol therefore I was reluctant to go with it and the Nat Mur. Should I try it regardless?

Also bought Rehmannia Eight Combination (Chinese herb combination) for her kidneys but not sure if mixing it with homeopathy.

I give her 5 drops daily of CBD oil for cats, it eases her anxiety I think.

I know her condition can be cured with homeopathy. I just dont know what to give her. The research is overwhelming.

Please help.
Thank you very much.

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  Ananda1 on 2024-01-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

anuj srivastava last year
Thank you! I have pellets, do I dissolve the pellet in water and give a few drops 3 times a day for 7 days or do I give her 1 pellet 3 times a day = 3 pellets a day?
Ananda1 last year
anuj srivastava last year
Hello, no improvement on the kitty. She is drinking lots of water, is still very skinny, unkempt coat, is cranky, has constipation, possible irritable bowel syndrome, and eyes glossy in discomfort. No interest in anything at all. Vocalizing most of the time. Eating a lot but not gaining weight. Urinating a lot and frequently but not absorbing water in the system. Lethargic and sleeping most of the day.

Have no idea how to help her :(
Ananda1 last year


anuj srivastava last year
Thank you so much! I will do it tomorrow! 🦋✨
Ananda1 last year
Hello Anuj, the next day after administrating the remedies she has started vomiting many times, crying in discomfort or pain, trying to poop but very little comes out of at all.
She is restless and walking back and forth not even trying to poop in the litter box anymore, she walks then stops and is trying to poop, does that a few times. Shes very weak.

She is very dehydrated and skinny and I am worried if she can survive this or if there is anything more I can do?
Ananda1 last year
anuj srivastava last year
Ok, thank you
Ananda1 last year
Dear Anuj,

Regarding my last message from 4 days ago: she was purging for about 40 minutes after the remedies, vomiting, and having diarrhea. Was weak all day after that and was recovering. During the following 3 days, she wasnt purging anymore and her behavior has been somewhat the same. Still a bit constipated, especially in the morning - I can hear her being in discomfort in the litter box.

I administered subcutaneous fluids last evening due to how dehydrated she is. Her coat looks better now but not sure if the Nux Vomica and Sulphur should be given again now since she reacted to those remedies? (not sure how that works exactly) and will await your advice.

She eats and drinks lots of water (not absorbing it) Very skinny. I understand she will not gain weight instantly and in this process, I dont know how long it takes to see positive results such as having interest in playing, having more vital energy, not drinking excessively etc.

I changed her diet over a month ago, adding more nutrients to her food. I add flax seeds (grinded), calcium (from grinded eggshells), fish oil for Omega Fatty Acids, and coconut oil, and today started giving her a bit of pumpkin puree for constipation.

Please advise on what remedy to administer at this time if any.

Thank you for your time and help!
Ananda1 last year
Wait and watch for 2 days and give a feedback.
anuj srivastava last year
Dear Anuj,

She threw up with upset tummy yesterday again after she ate. She tends to have some digestive issues since I adopted her 4 years ago, maybe irritable bowel syndrome. She cries a bit before going to the litter box and while in the litter box. Her poops are big and round, constipated, dehydrated. She seems to drink less water though, but still not sure. Still hungry often and cries for food a few times a day.

She walks in a weak and slow fashion. Vocalizing a lot, shes quiet only when she sleeps. Doesnt play. Zero interest in the laser toy. Coat standing up again but softer than before the subcutaneous fluids, eyes glossy in discomfort.

Thank you for your time and help!
Ananda1 last year

anuj srivastava last year
For one day only, 5 pellets of each remedy,3 times. Is that correct?
Ananda1 last year
anuj srivastava last year
Dear Anuj,

Not sure what has changed. I can tell she reacts to each remedy given within 2 days, she can feel it and she is sleepier and lethargic (not sure if thats a good word to describe it) she just goes through it quietly, sleeping most of the time. After 2 days she might be a bit better for a short while but not sure what she feels.
Constipated a bit still in the mornings, a little difficult to poop, and cries a bit in the litter box but not as bad as she used to when it was taking her a long time of trying and going in and out of the box.

Her poops are big and round for such a small and skinny kitty so it is obvious they are just painful to go through.
Her eyes are still glossy at times indicating some kind of discomfort, hard to tell to what degree.

She eats the same and drinks more than a healthy cat though might drink a bit less excessively than before (not much though) She urines a lot, and I find big blocks of clumped litter in the morning. Still dehydrated but not terribly (I administered subcutaneous fluids a few days ago)

I do have a feeling that Nat Mur and later on Lycopodium were helping in some way. Nux Vomica, I dont know, she did react to it with purging for 40 min or so, both vomiting and having diarrhea which I guess it was good??

She doesnt eat dry food. Has easy access to clean water, and eats moist food with added water as well. She is not stationary all the time, but she has no interest in playing or interacting.

Irritated when Im trying to pet her or show her love and comfort. Vocalizing a lot about anything and shes always been this way since I adopted her about 4 years ago. She just hasnt been showing signs of sickness before, she started for the last few months. Shes always been moody and easily dissatisfied.

It seems to me that she is doing slightly better overall. The differences arent huge but narrowly better.

Looking forward to your advice.

Thank you greatly for your help 🙂
Ananda1 last year
anuj srivastava last year
Just to confirm: Lycopodium 30c and Arsenicum 6c 5 pellets each, give together 3 times a day for 4 days. Is that correct?

If I have Arsenicum 30c only would that be ok? Maybe one pellet of it only 3 times a day?
Ananda1 last year
Maybe one pellet of it only 3 times a day?OK

5 pellets each, give together 3 times a day for 4 days. Is that correct?YES
anuj srivastava last year
Thank you!!
Ananda1 last year
Dear Anuj,

Everything is the same as I described in my last message from 7 days ago.

Please advise.
Ananda1 last year
Serum Anguilla (Eel Serum) Dilution 6 five drops three times a day.

Feedback after 7 days.
anuj srivastava last year
Dear Anuj, Eel Serum did not bring any positive results. Is there anything else I could try? My cat is in the same shape. Thank you.
Ananda1 11 months ago

05 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water.HALF AN HOUR BEFORE DINNER.FOR 3 NIGHTS.


Calc Carb 30.Dose five (5) drops/pellets , taken at the same time 3 Times daily.

Feedback after 7 days.
anuj srivastava 11 months ago
Hello Anuj,

Just checking, weve already tried Nux Vomica two months ago, do you mean to repeat it?
Ananda1 11 months ago

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