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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Keloids scars

I had a facial surgery in 2021 and the cuts were under both the years. After sometime the tissues or cells started to collect at the scars and now I have under both years. The doctor told me that it happens after surgery and gave me couple of dozes of injection in the scars which made little effect. A few months back my homoeopath friend suggested me to use Thuja 30 intake and thuja Q on the scars. It did not work. Now he has suggested to use Apis Malificia 30 and Calcaria Fl 6x alternating every two hours. Its not working either. The scars are very itchy and sometime stinging sensation. I am 70+ male medium built (hypertension, diabetic, prostate enlarged, fatty liver, gall bladder full of stones, everything is under control).
  aldycopy on 2024-01-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Fluoric Acid 30 THREE TIMES A DAY.


anuj srivastava last year
Post your all the details including pic of your scar.i will prescribe you to your constitution. It is very difficult to cure a keloid scar with mixopathy.
Laserjet last year
No change last week.
aldycopy last year
Same remedies feedback after 15 days.
anuj srivastava last year
Absolutely no improvement yet. Have you ever treated anyone with Keloid scars? thanks
aldycopy last year
You will have to continue treatment for a couuple of mopnths.

Yes I have.Was cured after 12 months.

Keep giving feedback every 15 days.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-02-23 04:51:28]
anuj srivastava last year

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