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concerned about new symptoms - probably gallbladder related

Im In my late 60s,.... hysterectomy last summer. Everything was benign....
Ive been having more gas,, plus dull pain in gallbladder region when i press in (started 5 days ago)... slight pain in right rib cage area when i press in... worse with movement, worse lying down on my back... breathing is normal... tired, stressed. worried about my symptoms.... may need ultrasound of gallbladder... worried i could have inflammation of the gallbladder or ? am fearful of medical testing, since i have post traumatic stress from all the tests they did at the ER and hospital before the hysterectomy last summer.

started a liver supportive diet, i eat too fast, and sometimes too much.
Im afraid of high potency remedies unless i see a homeopath in person...... I stay up too late..
my weight has been up and down. Im about 10 lbs overweight. .I was at my ideal weight in Sept.
... I eat organic and am careful about diet but often i eat things i would not normally eat with family.
I do allot for others, and have been frustrated with time management. I consulted with my Naturopathic Doc. today, and I hope I improve soon. but im worried that ive never had these symptoms before... i have had sharp GB pain 28 yrs ago, .. i did a gallbladder flush and it worked.
Ive taken 2 or 3 doses of Carbo Vege 30c the past 2 days.
I have felt overwhelmed with responsibilities to people and animals -- and a deadline, and not enough time in the day to do what i need to do...
[Edited by polastraus on 2024-03-07 08:04:40]
  polastraus on 2024-03-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Forgot to mention : Ive taken 2 or 3 doses of Carbo Vege 30c the past 2 days.
Also, I have felt overwhelmed with responsibilities and a deadline, and not enough time in the day to do what i need to do...
polastraus last year

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