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Constitutional remedy for hypersensitive person--Nat Mur?
I’m hopeful someone can help me with determining my constitutional remedy. I’ve read through the online descriptions for the remedies that came up when I googled my main complaints and feel that Nat Mur has the most matching features. There are a few that don’t match, though. I am extremely sensitive and am wanting to be as cautious as possible and not try remedies until I’m fairly certain I’ve selected the correct one. The reactions Ive had in the past to both allopathic and natural medicine have been so intense (including hospitalizations) that Im a bit afraid to try anything new. I’ve included my health issues, unique characteristics, and description of my headaches below and am happy to answer additional questions. In case it’s helpful, I’ve also included the symptoms that match and don’t match for Nat mur at the bottom. Thank you to any of the doctors who are willing to help.Main Complaints:
-Debilitating headaches (from stress, chiari malformation, and craniocervical instability)
-Joint laxity and pain (Ehlers Danlos)
-Inability to relax or concentrate (OCD, C-PTSD) – I feel most of my mental and physical health issues are due to abuse in childhood
-Allergic reactions (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome)
Health Conditions:
-Chiari Malformation
-Craniocervical Instability
-Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
-Mast Cell Activation Syndrome – food and environmental allergies, mold illness, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity)
-Post Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome
-Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – with trichotillomania and dermatillomania–pulled out all my eyebrows as a child then started pick hangnails until they bleed (still do this)
-C-PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, ADD
-Chronic Sinus Infections (finally stopped these by using a neti pot)
-Migraines (classic, basilar, and bilateral)
-Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome with insulin resistance
-Allergic asthma
-Hashimotos Thyroiditis
-Interstitial Cystitis
-Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
-Dilated Coronary Sinus
-Kidney Stones
-Psoriasis, eczema, contact dermatitis
-Swollen lymph nodes (mainly on neck but sometimes spreads up to scalp, surgery for Cystic hygroma as preteen)
-Anal fissures with bleeding
-Toenail fungus
-Anorexia and bulimia in teens
Unique Symptoms:
-Extreme hypersensitivity to smells, lights, sounds, touch–I live a very isolated and carefully planned life to minimize triggers and being overstimulated
Obsessive thoughts about something bad happening to my husband (falling down stairs, being shot, etc.) When I was younger, I had obsessive thoughts about something bad happening to my mother.
Obsessive thoughts of contamination or being poisoned
Persistent intrusive thoughts about unwanted sexual contact
Religious OCD–compulsions due to fear of loved ones going to Hell (Stramonium?)
-Difficulty seeing face in mirror (depersonalization)--for a long time I thought something was wrong with my vision looking straight ahead because part of my eye area is always slightly missing like looking at myself in the mirror if I have a migraine aura, but I had a friend stand next to me in front of the mirror, and I could see their face fine.
-Complete loss of vision and hearing at times that sometimes precedes headaches (vision starts as static that gets denser until I can’t see, and a roaring sound fills my ears until I can’t hear)
-Intense feeling of unworthiness. Belief that I don’t deserve to have anything go right for me and that I don’t deserve to heal.
-Deep sense of mistrust–cannot relax or let go around anyone or even when alone
-I hate being touched (as a baby, I would scream if people touched me)
-Fear of the dead and graveyards (Stramonium?)
-I was terrified of ghosts, evil, and being alone at night when I was young. I frequently would get out of bed and tell my parents that there was a ghost or something in my room that scared me. I did not outgrow this level of sensitivity and still frequently have mediumistic and psychic experiences (on dozens of occasions, the information I received was confirmed including predicting multiple people’s deaths, so as far as I know, I’m not delusional).
-I never really sweat until I was 14. When I was 16, I was put on birth control for amenorrhea and began sweating profusely (prescription antiperspirant was not strong enough), and I started sweating from new places like my stomach, back, and extremities. The profuse sweating became slightly milder over time (likely from the medicines I was on for PCOS), but it wasn’t until I changed my diet that I started sweating what I would consider a normal amount.
-When I was a baby I had to wear cloth diapers, and my mother had to use a special detergent because I was allergic to our detergent. When I was 5, I started having rashes on my genitals, and have honestly always had issues with sensitivities to the fabric or detergents on my underwear.
-When I was 8, I developed psoriasis on my scalp and had large crusty clumps that would form
-I was born by emergency cesarean section (meconium stool)
-I had recurring strep throat up until age 4 or 5
-Weight gain despite strict diet.. My weight has gone up 20-40 pounds within a short period of time a number of times during my life even though during most of those times I was dramatically restricting my caloric intake. I am not overweight currently, but I carry a disproportionate amount of weight in my abdomen, and in unusual places like where my ankles meet my foot and the side of my knee. It seems more like inflammation of the fat and fluid retention than just fat. I have cellulite everywhere. I used to frequently have period where weight would drop off rapidly too (it really seemed like it was water weight and inflammation). That hasn’t happened much since I’ve been in my 30s.
-When I have an allergic reaction, my stomach area will swell up to where I look like I’m pregnant within minutes. There is pressure in my digestive tract, but it also feels like the fat or tissues on my abdomen become inflamed. The skin in that area itches and feels like it’s tearing from stretching. It also becomes difficult to breathe from the pressure in my stomach and mild tightness in my throat. In addition to the rapid swelling in my stomach, I’ll get typical Mast Cell Activation symptoms: my cheeks will feel hot and dry and the skin will appear red, I’ll get a few hives (especially around the mouth and eyes), sometimes my upper lip will swell, and I’ll get incredibly thirsty.
-Concentration and memory issues – I have a lot of memory gaps throughout my life. I have had to leave jobs because I forgot how to do basic tasks that I did regularly. I stopped driving because I would always drive past my destination (even if GPS was speaking–I would just tune it out), and I caught myself running red lights. I blank when people ask me questions. I have performance anxiety that will cause me to forget things or have difficulty assimilating information. Anything I try to learn (new subjects, hobbies, etc.) I will quickly forget, and I cannot remember things well like I used to (I was in the top of my classes in high school and college but started having more and more memory issues in my late teens. I had to change majors in college because I couldn’t keep up with the work anymore due to memory issues.) I feel a lot of my memory issues have an emotional root and may be tied to C-PTSD.
-Recurring dreams of :
teeth falling out
Snakes, killing snakes, being bitten by snakes
Murderers and robbers
Not being able to go where I want because when I walk through doorways, my head hits the door frame and I can’t fit through (I had this dream mostly in childhood)
Headache Details:
I had headaches throughout childhood, but they became debilitating around age 11 and evolved into classic migraines (aura, nausea, pain on one side) when I was 12. At 18, they became bilateral migraines (aura in both eyes and pain on both sides of my head), then at 23 they became basilar migraines (complete loss of vision and hearing on both sides of my head, speech and coordination issues), and now they are just intense headaches (no aura, begin as painful knot on the left or right side of C1/C2 that feels like an intense burning and tearing tension, and the pain radiates through to the eye or eyebrow on the same side and expands out into the temple and jaw. They are much more painful than the migraines I used to have. My headaches often have a sharp burning pain in a small point in my eye and or nose with mild burning throughout my eye and nostril, they are more often on the left side, but still occur frequently on the right side (they are more painful on the right side), and sometimes are on both sides. The sharp burning pains in the eye/nose are constant, but there is also a stabbing ache usually above the center of my eyebrow, the side of my head, and one side of the nape of neck where a knot is. At their peak, they are like a non-stop ice cream headache that makes me want to die. I am too sensitive to take allopathic or natural medicines. I can occasionally tolerate benadryl just to be able to sleep a bit, but sometimes even benadryl makes the headaches worse. My headaches last for generally 3 days, but sometimes for weeks, and I rarely go more than a week without having a debilitating headache. I often will go 24-72 hours without eating at all because the pain and nausea are so intense. Pretty much anything that throws my body out of balance causes a headache (e.g. getting too hungry, thirsty, hot, cold, excited, angry, etc.) I have learned that most, if not all of my illnesses, are linked to stress, my fears, and worrying. I never feel safe, and I have to be in control of my environment. I was diagnosed with OCD when I was 14, and I have a very difficult time getting negative thoughts out of my head. I’ve had a lot of indicators of sexual abuse from childhood and pieces of memories of sexual abuse, so I believe repressed memories and suppressed anger are at the root of my health issues. I started having a lot of stomach aches and headaches around age 8, and around the same time, I went from being fairly girly to wanting to be a boy. I cut off my hair, wore boy’s clothing, and asked to be called by a male name. My family was not accepting of that, so I lived more like a tomboy. Whenever I have periods of time in my life when I am very busy and happy (e.g. starting a new relationship or hobby that I really enjoy) my symptoms reduce immensely until I start having time to worry and obsess over things again.
Things that make my headache better (but do not relieve) are:
-Cold hand over painful area
-Applying pressure to painful area
-Pulling hair taught over painful area
-Walking outdoors or getting distracted with something pleasurable
eating bland foods
Things that make symptoms worse:
-Smells, lights, sounds, touch – especially if I am not in control of them
-Lying down – especially on back or especially without elevated head
-Bending over
-Sudden movements and certain movements – any jarring to my body causes tearing or pulling in my fascia that leads to pain and often headaches
-Standing for extended periods
-Intense emotions, especially anger (repressing my emotions causes many physical ailments)
-Moving eyes or head
-Warm room or getting overheated
-Warm or stuffy air on face
-Getting too cold or being exposed to cold wind
-Drinking hot liquid or hot soup
-Eating strong smelling or tasting foods (onions, garlic, coffee, etc.)
-Heat applied to head or neck
-Being alone in the house or the only one awake
-Anything that causes overstimulation
NAT MUR Possible Constitutional Remedy
Qualities that match for NAT MUR:
-Well-behaved as a child, mature beyond years, overly vulnerable, responsible about duties and homework, the patient may become hysterically reactive to every influence in the environment – overly sensitive to noise, to light, to cigarette smoke, etc. In such patients, allergies and eczema are common.
-Very sensitive to disharmony. If the parents fight the child may not react immediately but will suffer inside, perhaps even to the point of acquiring a physical ailment.
-Exhaustion after talking, embarrassment of brain.âIncapacity for reflection, and fatigue from intellectual labour.
-Quiet, Responsible, Perfectionistic
-Desire to solve problems themselves and don’t trust other people
-Sympathetic to others problems
-Sensitive to slightest reprimand or insult
-Deeply affected by music (only certain songs, but they will cause intense emotional reaction)
-Unable to urinate in front of others
-Lacrimation of eyes in wind or cold
-Desire for salty food, pasta, bread, lemons, aversion to slimy and oily food
-Hypochondriacal, avoids contamination
-Affectionate (but I do not like to be touched), afraid of losing loved ones, love to look after others
-Mistakes in speaking (I fumble my words and blank while talking)
-Ailments typically come about as a result of emotional excitement, trauma, bad news, grief, disappointed love, fright, suppression of emotions, sexual excess, and head injuries. Exposure to the sun and intake of alcohol or salt may cause ailments (most of my ailments have come on from C-PTSD, abuse in childhood (sexual and physical), head injuries, and being overly sensitive. I’m allergic to the sun, cannot tolerate alcohol, and too much salt can cause headaches)
-I have a very skinny neck (from Ehlers Danlos and craniocervical instability)
-I have a feeling of prolapse in my pelvic floor and have to sit down at times because it feels like something will fall out
-I have flickering before eyes and dimness of vision, sparks and zigzags in vision, small fiery points before eyes (flashes of light)
-Eyes give out on using them
-Sensation of sand in the eyes
-Eye strain
-Stiffness and tearing sensations in muscles around eyes
-Photophobia (intense sensitivity to light)
-Hardness of hearing
-Yellow color of face
-Unquenchable thirst
-Spinal irritation (I have Chiari Malformation, Craniocervical instability, and many issues with spine)
-Headache brought on by emotions, sunlight, reading
-Headache from coughing or sneezing
-Headaches as if head would burst
-Throbbing in head
-Heat in the head with redness in face, vomiting and nausea
-Dullness and heaviness of head
-Difficulty thinking, absence of mind, weakness of memory
-Stitches in lungs and chest, especially when something triggers asthma
-Heart palpitations that shake body
-Hay Fever
-Upper lip swells during allergic reactions
-Itching at nape of neck
-Nat mur It is a leading medicine for managing mold allergy. Persons needing it have violent sneezing and watery discharge from the nose. They may also have an alternate runny nose and dry nose. Nasal stoppage with difficulty in breathing may occur. Sometimes watering from eyes is there. They can also have redness, itching, burning sensation in the eyes. It is also one of the best medicines for managing sinusitis. (I have mold illness and have had chronic sinus infections throughout my life)
-Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
-Easily choke when swallowing
-Swelling of cervical glands
-Aversion to coffee and smoking (I like bread)
-Hawking of mucus, sometimes salty
-Violent hiccups
-Skin of hands, especially about the nails, dry, cracked ; hang-nails
-Abdomen distended
-Constipation with dry hard stool (it feels dry and hard but isn’t)
-Anal fissures
-Frequent desire to urinate
-Urine dark and turbid
-Urine involuntarily passed while coughing or laughing
-Suppression of the menses (started at 12 and was heavy, amenorrhea 14-16, often light 2-3 days but with 7 days of spotting before and 3 days of spotting after)
-Headache and cramps sometimes persist after period ends
-Itching in genitals
-Cough in evening when lying down, cough from tickle in throat with bursting headache
-Violent palpitations that shake the body
-Palpitations from lying on left side
-Intermission in the beating of the heart
-Stitches in the neck and back part of the head (I would describe it more as a tearing feeling)
-Bruised pain in upper arms
-Weakness in arms
-Weak ankles
-Stitches in hip joint (more like tearing sensation, especially right)
-Restless legs (at night, not all the time)
-Pinching in right side of abdomen
-Lymphatic drainage issues (swollen lymph nodes, Cystic Hygroma in childhood, cellulite everywhere)
-Mental and physical exhaustion (ME/CFS)
-Itching skin
-Large red blotches like hives that itch
-Itchy nettle rash after exercise
-Liver pain
-Sleepiness during the day with frequent yawning
-Sleepless at night (fall asleep early then wide awake around 4, sometimes earlier)
-Uneasy anxious sleep, vivid anxious dream
-Chill predominates, icy hands and feet (except I’ll occasionally be overly hot in my hands and feet and have to stick my feet out from under the covers)
-Aggravation while lying down (only because this makes headaches worse)
-Aggravation in heat or sun
-Better in open air, from sitting up, (I do not do better from fasting, I am better with eating)
-This remedy is frequently indicated in awkward, pubescent girls who suffer from headaches and menstrual irregularities.
-They dislike excessive physical contact and hate to be teased. These children often have frightening dreams about being robbed.
-Nat mur the patient may become hysterically reactive to every influence in the environment – overly sensitive to noise, to light, to cigarette smoke, etc. In such patients, allergies and eczema are common. (I have multiple chemical sensitivity and environmental allergies and am overwhelmed and often get debilitating headaches by any sounds, smells, lights, or touch that are not wanted or expected.)
-Mapped tongue
-I worked in a photo lab and was exposed to silver nitrate a decent amount
-Nat mur for silver nitrate overuse
-Lump in the throat at times that doesn’t go away with swallowing
-Usually people who need this remedy will report that they’re never well since a grief, tragedy or disappointment or any sort.5 They are very sensitive, very vulnerable. Much has been taken away from them already and they have hardly got anything left. They are constantly walking around with the feeling that the rest will probably be taken away from them too. That is why they are easily frightened, all unexpected thing could hurt them even more.
Qualities that don’t match:
-Hyperthyroidism–I have hypo with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
-Loss of smell–I am hypersensitive to smells as well as lights and touch
-Very serious–I can be at times, but I am more silly and humorous with people I’m comfortable with.
-Cracked corners of the mouth–I don’t have cracked corners, but they are dry with white flaky skin
-Crack in middle of lip — I only occasionally split my lip usually more to one side
-Contracted pupils–I have dilated pupils and intense photophobia
-Sweating relieves headaches–I dont think I’ve experienced that
-Do not like to be consoled–I do like to for people to talk to me to an extent if I’m upset, I just don’t like to be touched, and I rarely feel understood
-Inability to cry–I can cry and do frequently. I don’t necessarily like to cry in front of people, but I do because I often can’t control it. I will often cry alone because I feel people won’t fully understand me.
-Better with fasting–I am not better with fasting. I am better with eating.
-Aversion to bread–I like bread. If it weren’t unhealthy, I would eat bread and cereal with cold milk for every meal.
-Worse 10 am–I do tend to have increases in headaches at 10 am, but I would say I’m the worst 4-9 pm
-Warm blooded–I am cold natured
-Herpes/cold sores–I don’t have those, but I have had mouth ulcers in the past that were so big I had to have them drained
-Tight clothes—I dont like tight clothes. I only like a tight camisole (because I can’t tolerate fabric moving around over my chest due to nipple sensitivity)
-Hairline eruptions–I don’t have those
Tigerseye on 2024-04-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HOUR BEFORE DINNER.FOR 3 NIGHTS.
Dose five (5) drops/pellets , taken at the same time 3 Times daily.
Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.
Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HOUR BEFORE DINNER.FOR 3 NIGHTS.
Dose five (5) drops/pellets , taken at the same time 3 Times daily.
Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.
Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.
♡ anuj srivastava 10 months ago
Thank you for your reply. Do you mind if I ask what made you feel Nat Mur is not my constitutional remedy? Is Nux Vom or spigelia the constitutional remedy? Im assuming the cell salts are just supportive? Thanks!
Tigerseye 10 months ago
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