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Urgent need Little injury under the tongue while doing brush pleasse help me

I was doing brush and and by mistake it goes under the tongue and injure my tissue under the tongue It is very paining to me.And I am unable to use tongue clear because of pain.But I used Arnica 200 4 drops today to deal this but doesnt work.

Please a good doctor prescribe me a medicine to heal this.

And my Lips got fully Rupture means Cracked in centre portion and It is not healing.It From last 12 days and not healing.I use some allopathy medicine like Becusule B complex powder in it but no result.

And one More point I have also some drug aggravtion and proving of drug in body like acid phos 200, Staphysagaria 30; agnust cast 30 and terebin 30.It is also not going from my body.

But for my current situation please prescribe me a safe and good medicine which can heal it.As I also attached the photo of the portion you can see how it become red and bruised and paining to me .

Please me Help Urgent need
[Edited by Abhi3 on 2024-04-17 08:57:19]
  Abhi3 on 2024-04-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take Nit Acid 30c , 3 drops in little water thrice a day for 2 days and report back.
drsajid 10 months ago

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