The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Aggravation Amelioration
What does it mean if the aggravation gets shorter and even the amelioration gets shorter?At the beginning of taking a Q potencie the aggravation was about 2 daS with an amelioration of a week and now the aggravation takes about one and a half days and amelioration only about a day...
lucawi on 2024-04-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The key of the question is that the aggravation takes as long as in the beginning but the amelioration is shorter as in the beginning...
lucawi 10 months ago
If you have to keep taking a remedy over and over it is not correct-it is suppressing symptoms like western meds. You can try it in potency like a 30c and see what happens after one dose.
♡ simone717 10 months ago
Thanks for the fast answer but Q potencies are made to take regulary in chronic desease,i did taht already for the last 10 years and had never problems with it,...but the advise to take a 30C is it worth to try if Q potencies will not show a evident result,...
I wrote in this forum already for about 5 years,it is nice to so that you are still active in helping people with there doubts,a big Thank you Simoneðð
I wrote in this forum already for about 5 years,it is nice to so that you are still active in helping people with there doubts,a big Thank you Simoneðð
lucawi 10 months ago
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