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elevated blood pressure 77yr old

Help finding remedy for my 77 year old mom with high blood pressure, anxiety, epiretinal membrane detachment, silent GERD, frequent urination without much output but no infection. Great stress in life thus far but generally pretty healthy and active.
  joyinmotion on 2024-04-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What all remedies is she taking to control BP?

Any other remedies for anxiety etc?
anuj srivastava 10 months ago
Dear the prescription for your mother is,
Gelsemium 30c,
3 pellets thrice a day for 3 days and report back,
If u got the remedy in dilusion form then 5 drops in little water is a dose.
drsajid 10 months ago

Belladonna-One of the most frequently indicated remedies for both hyperaemia and inflammation of the optic nerve and retina. the retinal vessels will be found enlarged and tortuous, particularly the veins, while a blue or bluish-gray film may seem to overspread the fundus (oedema). Extravasations of blood may be numerous or few in number. The optic disc is swollen and its outlines ill-defined. the vision is, of course, deteriorated.
anuj srivastava 10 months ago
Thnx for ur points dear, but i prescribed Gels bc it addresses,
- high blood pressure
- Anxiety and stress
- weakness
- epiretinal membrane detachment
- Digestive issues like GERD
- Frequent urnination without output
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-05-01 06:07:11]
drsajid 10 months ago
anuj srivastava 10 months ago
She took the gelsemium 30c but then she got excruciating pain in the right groin area. It has now moved down to her right knee and this morning at 4 am the pain was in her IT band. The pain has been waking her up all night for the past 4 nights and it is severe. The pain is relieved when sitting in a chair but hurts when lying down and when walking. I am happy to order my homeopath from your website if it will help somehow to pay for your services. There are so many different remedies for knee pain that I dont know which one to order. She also had a urine screen that came back with elevated leukocytes. I am wondering if it is a kidney stone but we dont know yet. Thank you in advance for your help!
joyinmotion 9 months ago
You can get help
drsajid 9 months ago
Okay...Do you know any remedy she could try?
joyinmotion 9 months ago
Give Belladonna 200 single dose and give a feedback after 2 days.
anuj srivastava 9 months ago
Hi Doc,
I gave the single dose of Belladonna and there is no change in her condition. The pain is way worse at night, better during the day. She states that the pain is level 10 on scale of 1-10. Predominately the pain is in her right knee but occasionally in the right groin area. She takes advil and prednisone which gives her 4-5 hours of relief. She doesnt want to take this medicine because she knows that is bad for her liver. She has gotten a CT scan with the following findings: mild hepatic steatosi, large amount of stool throughout colon, abdominal aorta contains mild calcified and noncalcified atherosclerotic plaque and is tortuous but normal in caliber.
I should also mention that she has black toenail fungus that she treated by soaking the feet. She has a history of hypertension which she has been treating with celery seed and hawthorn tincture - she isnt using any blood pressure medicine. She does not like to be out in the heat and when I took her to a sauna she didnt sweat anywhere except on her face. She has had anxiety for a number of years. She never complains of pain so this knee situation is highly unusual. Is there anything else that may be able to help her?
joyinmotion 9 months ago
I forgot to mention a history of dizziness, imbalance, vertigo.
She obtained physical therapy for this which seems to have resolved this issue. I forgot to mention that it also is worse if she tries to lay on her right side. She can sometimes manage to sleep on her left with a pillow under her knee. It hurts a great deal when she lies flat on her back and when she lies on her stomach. She also, I notice has a mild twitch in her right eye. And she has Epiretinal membrane which is worse in the right eye. The knuckles and joints in her right hand are very enlarged when compared to her left. The western medical doctors call this arthritis but it is some kind of growth of calcium in the joints or something. Also a history of trigger finger in the right hand. She had a history of sciatica but I believe that this was on her left. I am an lmbt and I notice that her quadratus lumborum appears to be short locked bilaterally. Her hips are definitely out of alignment. Thanks in advance for helping me!
joyinmotion 9 months ago


15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HOUR BEFORE DINNER.FOR 3 NIGHTS.



Dose five (5) drops/pellets , taken at the same time 3 Times daily.

Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.

Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.

anuj srivastava 9 months ago
Is it possible to take the nux vom 200 in tablets instead of liquid and, if so, how would the dosing work?
joyinmotion 9 months ago
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-06-04 00:43:13]
anuj srivastava 9 months ago
Thanks but I do not understand the 09.3-3-3 ??
joyinmotion 9 months ago
Did you mean on day one take 9 pellets then 15 minutes later take 3 pellets then 15 minutes later take 3 pellets then 15 min later another 3 pellets half hour before dinner and then also take 5 tabs of calc flour 3 times a day and 5 tabs mag phos6X 3 times
joyinmotion 9 months ago
half hour before dinner and then also take 5 tabs of.YES.

Did you mean on day one take 9 pellets-FOR THREE DAYS AT NIGHT.3-3-3 IN A GAP OF 15 MINUTES.3 PELLETS-GAP OF 15 MINUTES-3 PELLETS GAP OF 15 MINUTES.
anuj srivastava 9 months ago
Thank you so much! We will order the remedies we need.
joyinmotion 9 months ago
I understand the protocol. Is there any way that she can go ahead and start taking the nux vomica 200 before taking the mag phos and calc flour? I already have nux vom on hand and the other may take a week or more to arrive in the mail?
joyinmotion 9 months ago
Yes she can do that.
anuj srivastava 9 months ago
Thank you!
joyinmotion 9 months ago
After the first round of nux vomica yesterday. My mom is now having diarrhea that started today around 2:00. Is this a good sign? Should she continue with the full dose of 9 tabs today and tomorrow?
joyinmotion 9 months ago
Is this a good sign? YES.


anuj srivastava 9 months ago
Wonderful!! Okay, but are you saying to stop the nux vom remedy also?? Or do you just want to stress that I make sure to NOT give any over the counter medicine to stop diarrhea???
joyinmotion 9 months ago
And IF you want me to stop the nux vom do you still want me to start in with the rhus tox?
joyinmotion 9 months ago

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