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Sweating and body odour

Please help!

Primary issues: Sweating easily with even the slightest movement and weird odour from body even despite maintaining good hygiene. Offensive odour of stool.

Body: Unable to stand slightest heat. Prefer cool temperature and but cold temperatures sometimes cause problems like cold, cough and fever. Also tend to fall ill (fever, cold, cough) during change of seasons/weather.

Likes: Sweets, eggs, cold water, alcohol, smoking, warm food, loose/comfortable clothes.

Dislikes: Hot food (no patience to wait for it to cool), extremely spicy food, tight clothes.

Nature: Quick to anger, especially when anyone argues back, questions or tries to restrict me. Tend to use harsh words in such cases. Prefer to be alone in my own space but not in life. Do not like to be ordered. Prefer to live by my own rules. Many a times, have problems with people in authority (bosses/superiors). Feeling of importance. Fear of heights, failure, poverty and slight worry about future.

Habits: Smoking, drinking (daily), sedentary lifestyle.
  nittin592295 on 2024-05-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
deleting my advise
[Edited by HealthyWorld on 2024-05-10 09:58:19]
HealthyWorld 10 months ago
Take a single dose of Lycopodium 200c,
After 3 days take a single dose of Sulphur 200c,
And stop taking,
It will surely help for ur symptoms
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-05-10 09:59:46]
drsajid 10 months ago
Thank you so much doctor. Is a single dose 2 drops or 1 drop?

Also, I have taken sulphur 200 for 10 days followed by calcarea carb for 3 days but no significant improvement in body odour. I have read somewhere that sulphur should not be used after calcarea but lycopodium can. So can I take sulphur again after lycopodium without any issues?
nittin592295 10 months ago
5 drops is a dose,
And u can take Sulphur after Lyco,
drsajid 10 months ago
Thank you for the clarification doctor! So 1 dose (5 drops) of lycopodium 200 in the morning and 3 days post that, 1 dose of Sulphur 200 in the morning?
nittin592295 10 months ago
drsajid 10 months ago
Good evening Sir, I have followed your instructions and there was a slight improvement for a day or two post taking the lycopodium 200 but now after taking the sulphur 200,the old familiar weird smell which was a combination of some kind of a sharp/acrid and or putrid, pungent and slightly sweet smell, seems to have come back. I previously, have had a somewhat better success rate with calcarea sulph 200 as compared to sulphur 200 alone. Would you recommend that I try this again post my sulphur 200? I just want this problem to be solved, its affecting my social life, my personal life and my career too.
nittin592295 9 months ago
Sulphur and lyco partially worked, so i prescribe Sepia 200c, once a week,
Cell salt , Nat phos 6x, thrice a day ,
Take this medication for 4 weeks, but report after a week.
drsajid 9 months ago
Good day Sir, thank you for your kindness & support.

I will order the Sepia 200 and the Natrium Phosphoricum 6X.

However, Im a little confused about the cell salt. Is it a different medicine or is Natrium Phosphoricum the name of the cell salt?

Also Sir, I how many drops of Sepia 200 and Natrium Phosphoricum 6X should I take?
[Edited by nittin592295 on 2024-05-20 05:57:44]
nittin592295 9 months ago
They are same, natrum or natrium
drsajid 9 months ago
Okay sir, thank you for the clarification. How many drops of the Sepia 200 and Natrium Phosphoricum 6X should I take?
nittin592295 9 months ago
Sepia 200c, 5 drops in little water only 1 dose/week
Nat phos 6x , 4 tablets thrice a day
drsajid 9 months ago
Okay sir, thank you!
nittin592295 9 months ago
Good evening sir!

I have tried the Sepia 200 and Nat Phos 6X for about a week but there is no improvement at all.

Kindly advise.
nittin592295 9 months ago
Dont worry, sometimes we have to shift to other remedies if a remedy does not work,
You take Sulphur 200c, before breakfast, twice a week with a gap of 3 days,
Lycopodium 30c, twice a day
drsajid 9 months ago
So Sulphur 200 ONLY once a day before breakfast every 3 days and Lycopodium 30 twice every single day?
How many drops should I take?

And, should I take Lycopodium 30 after a 30 minute gap even after I take the Sulphur 200?

And for how many days, should I continue taking these?

Do I need to antidote the previous medicines I was taking by taking coffea Cruda 200 and/or Camphora 200?
[Edited by nittin592295 on 2024-05-29 05:21:34]
nittin592295 9 months ago
You can take lycopodium at noon and evening, and in between sulphur and lyco u take pulsatilla 30c, as a buffer remedy
drsajid 9 months ago
Sorry sir, Im a little confused now. I usually wake up around 10 or 11am. So for example, if I take Sulphur 200 once every 3 days around 10 or 11 am, can I take pulsatilla 30 around 12 noon followed by lunch at around 12.30pm and thereafter Lyco 30 at around 1pm?

And should I take 5 drops of each medicine each time?
nittin592295 9 months ago
drsajid 9 months ago
Sir, Pulsatilla Nigricans, is this the one I need to order?
nittin592295 9 months ago
Yes it is
drsajid 9 months ago
Okay sir, and after how many days of taking these medicines, should I report back?
nittin592295 9 months ago
After a week
drsajid 9 months ago
Sir I have a doubt. Sulphur 200 is first thing to take whenever I wake up, every 3 days but on the days that I dont have to take the sulphur 200, should I start first with the Pulsatilla 30 whenever I wake up, followed by Lyco 30 and then again Lyco 30 in the evening? Is this the right way to take the medicines? What Im trying to understand is whether I need to take Pulsatilla 30 first EVERYDAY before the Lyco 30 or should I take Pulsatilla 30 only on the days I first take sulphur (i.e. every 3 days after sulphur and before lyco). Please guide.
[Edited by nittin592295 on 2024-05-30 21:45:22]
nittin592295 9 months ago
You will take pulsatilla, between sulphur and lyco, at any time
drsajid 9 months ago

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