The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hormonal Growth
GoodmorningI am worried about my daughter She is not growing much 2 cm in one year ,not sure when to be worried.
A pediatre advised me to give her hormonal growth and definitely I dont want to do so
She is born 12/08/2014 so almost 10 years old.She is 124 cm ,30 kg
Would you please tell me if there is a nautral way to help her
Thank you
Alia S on 2024-05-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
According to Healthline, the 50th percentile height for a 10-year-old girl is 54.3 inches (138 centimeters).
However, Childrens Wisconsin says that the normal height range for a 10-year-old girl is 50 to 59 inches.Your daughters height is 48.8189 inches/124 cm.She is not stunted as per the above comparison.
However give CALC PHOS 6X three tabs three times a day for a month and see.
Keep giving weekly feedbacks.
However, Childrens Wisconsin says that the normal height range for a 10-year-old girl is 50 to 59 inches.Your daughters height is 48.8189 inches/124 cm.She is not stunted as per the above comparison.
However give CALC PHOS 6X three tabs three times a day for a month and see.
Keep giving weekly feedbacks.
♡ anuj srivastava 9 months ago
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