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insomnia, too much dreams, cervical , lumbar spondylosis

General Nature
Present Disease/ailments
cannot sleep properly, average sleep daily is less than 6 hours. in the 6 hours 2-3 hours too much dreams. I dont have diabetes, but every time i eat sugar or any carbs i become more hungry. Every time after eating sugar i feel dizzy and cant focus on anything but also addicted to sugar. Numbness in lower abdomen, gas , very often diarrhea, stool mostly loose, most of time cannot clear bowels properly. Two years back for back pain went to ortho doctor. I had scan on my spine , diagnosis was i have lumbar & cervical spondylosis. I missed the report. Most of the time i feel dizzy and feel like head spinning. Travel by car, bus, train always makes me very uncomfortable. All along right side from head to toe i feel some numbness. Numbness in right side head, neck, shoulder wings, in hips and pain in neck. Very often feel like my nose is blocked, but i think that happens mostly when i eat sugar or cant sleep properly. (even little sugar in tea in good enough to make me uncomfortable). When i sleep for more than 7 hours nose muscles feel relaxed. If i cannot release stools properly i think that it is causing me back pain. I am 36 years old, 80 percent of my hair in head and beard is grey.

Already seen a doctor
For stomach problems i was diagnosed IBS and they told me i am under too much stress and gave my anti depressants, i didnt take medicines after one week. For my back pain and neck pain and dizziness we had scan and was i have lumbar and cervical spondylosis

Past Reports
For my back pain and neck pain and dizziness we had scan and was i have lumbar and cervical spondylosis. Three years back i had abdomen scan and report was i have type 2 fatty liver and my bladder has become little big. I dont have report with me.

Family Health
My father and mother have high blood pressure, so far my blood pressure is normal. My father has some muscle problem especially during winter, his muscles become stiff and he can walk or move like normal. My father and mother both have head spinning problems and doctor told them they have problems with collarbones and are wearing collars all the time.

Prefer Weather
monsoon season, dont like summer much. Can sleep better in winter
no appetite, but addicted to sugar
reasonable thirst
Liking for specific taste/food
sweet foods

mostly white
mostly pale yellow
easily becomes sweaty
Sleep pattern
sleep not good, too much dreams in sleep. I sleep 90 percent on sides with pillow between legs
Speed (Walking, eating, working)
walking - slowly, Eating - fast, Working - fast.
Easily becomes allergic to dust, I sneeze very often. Cannot tolerate milk, wheat. tea, coffee
Family history
Father - high blood pressure, back pain, muscle stiffness(suffering from muscle stiffness from very young age ) Sinus problems, head spinning. Mother- IBS, ulcer, head spinning. Sister- sinus problems & head spinning.

till two years back i used to drink heavily, now for whole year i drink maybe 20 times. trying to completely quit. I work in ship so for around 8 months a year i never touch alochol.
At 36 years age head and beard 70 percent grey

10 cigarettes per week
2 beers a week when I am home
two walking sessions, each around 4 kms
  Chris.anton on 2024-07-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
for the above a doctor i am consulting online suggested nux vomica 30 and kali phos 30x three doses for two weeks . I took three doses in a day later that night i couldnt completely sleep. so i stopped taking the medicine. After three weeks i took only one dose od nux vom 30 and kali phos 30x pellets in morning. later that night i couldnt sleep.( for the past three months i am taking Reckeweg R14 nerve and sleep drops . without that i cannot sleep continuously for more that three hours also very disturbed sleep. before taking medicines as doctor suggested i stopped R14 for two days). I again contacted the doctor i am yet to receive any reply.
Chris.anton 7 months ago
yesterday morning i took one dose of nux vomica 30 and kali phos 30x. immediately i felt a lot better about my back pain and shoulder pain but later at night i cannot sleep. I feel like kali phos dose may be higher for me. Should i continue with doses for two weeks as doctor suggested and see how i fell or since it is causing insomnia i should consider other medicines ?
Chris.anton 7 months ago
You will need medicine and diet modification to get of your condition. As your body does not like sugar it should be avoided. To cure fatty liver you should avoid all refined articles like refine oil, flour, processed foods and drinks. You should also reduce carbohydrate intake by half. What you can eat are vegetables and fruits that are not very sweet. You should also do some moderate exercises like walking daily.
Medicine : Calcarea Carb 200 one dose only preferably in the evening. Do not eat or drink sour things for one month.
Update seven days after taking medicine.
Not a doc1 7 months ago


15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HOUR BEFORE DINNER.FOR 3 NIGHTS.


Lycopodium 200 with Arsenicum album 3/6

Dose five (5) drops/pellets , taken at the same time 2 Times daily.

Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.

Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.

anuj srivastava 7 months ago
sir regarding arsenicum album is 3/6 a dilution name ? can you pls clarify, or is 6x or 30x or 30c ?
[Edited by Chris.anton on 2024-08-10 10:17:54]
Chris.anton 6 months ago
anuj srivastava 6 months ago
Do you mean he can take 3c or 6c?
simone717 6 months ago
Which ever is available easily.
anuj srivastava 6 months ago
tx Anuj,simone . bought 6x which was available, will report after a week
Chris.anton 6 months ago
Hi, i completed three doses of nux vom 200 and i have been taking three doses of nat mur , nat phos , kali phos 6x . My neck pain is better, lower back i dont feel much improvement. but since the first day i been feeling bloated and having light diarrhea. i feel little pain in abdomen too.My sleep also gradually getting worse. Yesterday woke up after 4 hours. couldnt sleep further. Shall i continue the remedies pls suggest.( with stomach bloated and light diarrhea i used to get itchy scalp and flakes coming off it. this time also that happened)
[Edited by Chris.anton on 2024-08-15 01:07:52]
Chris.anton 5 months ago
Are you having Ars and Lyco in addition?
anuj srivastava 5 months ago
Yes , I have it with me, from now today morning I will start lycopodium and arsenicum album. Should I continue nat mur, nat phos , kat phos 6x doses ?
Chris.anton 5 months ago
Continue all remedies giving weekly feedbacks.
anuj srivastava 5 months ago
yesterday morning i took one lycopodium 200 dose and one arsenicum album 6c dose. From yesterday evening i had extreme body pain and fever.My sleep is also restless, not refreshing. I dont have cold or cough. I think i didnt contract any infection. I stopped taking any medicines from yesterday night. Yesterday night and today afternoon i took 250 mg paracetamol. I feel like salts are only causing these things. Pls suggest.
[Edited by Chris.anton on 2024-08-16 11:28:36]
Chris.anton 5 months ago
You have a viral infection.Have Rhus Tox 30 three times a day.Cell Salts will not cause these issues.
anuj srivastava 5 months ago

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