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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Skin Tanning


Age 32


I have lots of skin tanning on my face specially on forehead and around mouth.

There is uneven skin tone.

I used to play alot in sun.

I have tried and applied everything on face but tanning is still there.

I need your suggesion regarding issue.

I do not want to apply anything but need a homeoathic remedy for internal consumption.

  ansari92 on 2024-07-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

There is a very good remedy for skin tanning in homeopathy. I have seen very good results ..
Try Berberis Aquifolium mother tincture. Add 10 drops of this liquid with 2 spoons of rosewater and apply all over your face and skin twice a day. Wash it off in 30 minutes.
Do this for 1 month.

Let me know if you want to try only internal consumption .
homeodr last month
Thank you for reply.

I will try external application too.

Please suggest me a good remedy for internal consumption also.
ansari92 last month
You can take same medicine internally..
10 drops berberis aqufolium twice a day.

Add 10 drops of berberis aquifolium in half cup of water. Stir well and drink it.

Take this med internally and use it externally..try this for 1 month.

Revertback in a month.
homeodr last month

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